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It had been just over a month since Ellie told Cole that she was pregnant, of course no one knew but them and that's the way they wanted to keep it

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It had been just over a month since Ellie told Cole that she was pregnant, of course no one knew but them and that's the way they wanted to keep it.

Ellie had fooled everyone into thinking her and Cole had broke up, she wanted to tell Maddy about everything but she just knew it would be too risky, if Nate found out, he would ruin it for her and there was no way at in hell she was going to let that happen.

"Which one?" Maddy said as she held up two outfits

"That one" Ellie said as she sat on Maddys bed and pointed to the black sparkly outfit

"Good choice" Maddy said as she shot her a wink

Ellie smiled at her before she looked down at her phone.

Cole: I can't wait to see you, just let me know when you've got everything ready and I'll come and pick you up xx

"So how's everything, how do you fe-

"I'm fine Mads, you don't need to worry" Ellie said as she looked up from her phone

"I know but I do worry about you, after you overdosed it scared the shit out of-

"Maddy honestly I'm fine, I love you okay, you don't need to worry about me" Ellie reassured her

"I love you too" Maddy said as she smiled at her softly

"I need to get dressed, the girls will be here soon" Ellie said as she got up from the bed

"Yeah you need to get a move on, I'm basically ready" Maddy said jokingly as she sat down to put her heels on

"Alright, alright" Ellie said as she rolled her eyes at her playfully

Ellie went into the bathroom to get changed, she usually didn't care about getting changed infront of Maddy, although her bump was small and barley recognisable she wasn't prepared to take the risk of Maddy finding out.

She had managed to find a beautiful beige dress with black embroidered detail, that fitted loosely around her stomach.

Once she was dressed, she reapplied some more lipgloss and moved her curled hair to the side.

Ellie glanced at herself in the mirror before walking back into Maddy's bedroom.

"What do you think?" Ellie asked as she stood infront of Maddys bed

"Oh my god" Maddy exclaimed as she looked at her in awe

"What, do I look bad?" Ellie asked as she looked over Maddy

"No, no, not at all, you look fucking amazing" Maddy said as she got up from the bed

"Thankyou Mads, you look stunning as always" Ellie said sweetly

Maddy winked at her softly before walking over to her mirror.

As Maddy was checking herself out in the mirror, Ellie took the opportunity to reply to Cole's message.

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