Happy Halloween

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After Ellie got back home from school, she went straight up to her bedroom and got changed into some comfy clothes

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After Ellie got back home from school, she went straight up to her bedroom and got changed into some comfy clothes.

As she was about to go back downstairs she heard the front door open, it was her parents and Nate.

Ellie stood at the top of the stairs as she made eye contact with Nate, she quickly looked away from him.

Just as she was about to go back into her bedroom, Nate came rushing up the stairs, she looked over at him with a disgusted look on her face.

"How could you do that to her" Ellie said as she raised her voice slightly

"I didn't do anything, it was just a stupid rumour" Nate stated as he looked over at her

"Your such a fucking liar, you might have fooled everyone else but I know the truth" Ellie spat as she glared at him

"Are you done?" Nate asked irritatedly as he clenched his jaw

"If you hurt her again, I'll go down to the police station and tell them everything" Ellie threatened

Nate chuckled darkly as he walked towards her.

"And what will you tell them exactly?" Nate asked  In a patronising tone of voice

"I'll tell them exactly what kind of person you are" Ellie stated as she looked up at him

"Like they'd believe a pathetic, sad, little bitch like you" Nate spat nastily

"At least I'm not an abusive, psychotic cunt-

Within an instant Nate grabbed Ellie by the face roughly, he looked down at her with rage filled eyes as his grip on her face tightened.

"Let go" Ellie begged as she looked up at him with glassy eyes

"I didn't fucking hurt her, I'm innocent" Nate spat defensively

"Okay, okay" Ellie said with panic laced in her voice

Nate ripped his hand away from her face, he glanced at her coldly before walking off and going into his bedroom.

Ellie flinched as he slammed his bedroom door behind him, she let the tears fall down her face as she went back into her bedroom.

She sat down in the edge of her bed as she put her head in her hands.

Ellie felt drained from everything that was going on, Nate's violent streak was beginning to scare her more than it ever has before and if she was being honest, she could see a lot of her Dad in Nate and that scared her even more.

A few weeks had passed since the incident with Nate and Maddy, Ellie had tried to reach out to Maddy but she had hardly spoken to anyone, Nate would sneak off every Friday night and Ellie knew exactly where he was going.

But he wasn't the only one who was doing things in secret, Ellie had been seeing Cole everyday after school, their relationship had grown and she could feel herself getting closer to him as time was going on.

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