The carinval part two

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Ellie had been with Maddy and Cassie for the past hour, the pair of them were so high that she felt as though she needed to try her best to keep them out of trouble

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Ellie had been with Maddy and Cassie for the past hour, the pair of them were so high that she felt as though she needed to try her best to keep them out of trouble.

"Oh my god, let's go into the house of mirrors" Cassie chirped excitedly she grabbed a hold of Maddys hand

"Bitch you read my mind, I've always wanted to look at myself a thousand times at once" Maddy exclaimed as she smirked at Cassie

"I think I'm going to give it miss, I need to go and see Cole" Ellie said as she looked over at the both

"Go and get that dick girl" Maddy said as she threw her arms around her happily

"Yeah El, don't let us stop you" Cassie said with a big grin on her face as she nudged Ellie's arm lightly

"You guys are so high" Ellie said as she let out a giggle

Maddy kissed Ellie on the cheek before grabbing Cassie's hand and leading her into the house of mirrors, Ellie watched them both as they went inside.

As Ellie was walking around the carnival, she felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist as she was pulled behind one of the trailers.

"Guess who?" Cole whispered in her ear as he held her tightly against him

"You dick" Ellie said playfully as she turned around to look at him

"I was wondering when I'd get you all to myself" Cole said as his hands moved down to her lower back

"I was on babysitting duties" Ellie said as she put her arms on his shoulders and wrapped them around the back of his head

"What?" Cole asked confusedly as a small grin appeared on his face

"The girls are high on molly" Ellie said as she looked up at him

"I'm guessing you didn't want to join in then" Cole asked

"Nah it's not my thing, I'm a good girl" Ellie said as she looked up at him with a smirk on her face

"I have no doubt in my mind that you're not" Cole said lowly as he looked down at her lips

"How badly do you want me?" Ellie asked as she pouted her lips slightly

"You have no fucking idea" Cole said he looked at her with hungry eyes

Within an instant Ellie crashed her lips onto his, she felt his hand trail to down to her ass as he grabbed it tightly.

Cole deepened the kiss as his tongue began to explore her mouth, Ellie did the same but it wasn't long before their tongues were both fighting for dominance, to her dismay Cole won.

"You're driving me crazy" Cole said as he leaned into her neck

Ellie let out soft moans as his lips connected with her skin, she felt pleasure in the trail of wet kisses that he was planting on her neck.

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