Behind closed doors

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Since Ellie had gotten back from Maddy's house, she had spent all day laying in her bed doing nothing, she hadn't spoken a word to Nate since the party and she had no intention of speaking to him anytime soon

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Since Ellie had gotten back from Maddy's house, she had spent all day laying in her bed doing nothing, she hadn't spoken a word to Nate since the party and she had no intention of speaking to him anytime soon.

"I don't want to go back to school tomorrow" Ellie said to Maddy on face time

"Me either, I can't be bothered" Maddy moaned

"So have you heard from that Tyler guy" Ellie asked

"Ew no, I was only doing it to make Nate jealous" Maddy admitted

"Oh god, you two are both as bad as each other" Ellie said rolling her eyes

"Yeah, but you definitely love me more" Maddy said with a smirk on her face

"I love you both the same" Ellie said as she she smiled at her

"Yeah yeah" Maddy said playfully

After she'd finished face timing Maddy, Ellie went downstairs to get a drink.

She walked into the kitchen to be greeted by Aaron.

"Look who finally decided to get out of their pit" Aaron said with a grin on his face as he sat at the counter

"I was tired" Ellie said as she looked over at him

"It's called a hangover" Aaron said as he let out a chuckle

"I didn't even drink that much" Ellie said as she walked over to the fridge

"Makes a change" Aaron joked as he looked over at her

"Haha" Ellie said sarcastically as she looked at him before getting a bottle of water out of the fridge

Marsha walked into the kitchen, she looked over at Ellie with a surprised look on her face.

"I didn't think you'd get out of you're bed today" Marsha asked as she walked over to her

"I'm just full of surprises" Ellie said in a blunt tone of voice

"What do you want for dinner?" Marsha asked as she leaned over the counter

Before Ellie could respond, Nate walked in which completely threw her off.

He looked over at her with regret in his eyes, feeling uncomfortable she adverted her gaze away from him.

"I'm not hungry" Ellie said as she looked over at her Mom

"You need to eat something Ellie" Marsha stated in a stern tone of voice

"I'm really not hungry right now Mom, I'll have something later" Ellie said as she glanced at her before walking off

Ellie avoided eye contact with Nate as she walked passed him

"What's up with her?" Aaron asked as she looked over at Nate then at his Mom

"I have no idea" Marsha sighed

Ellie went back upstairs, as she walked towards her bedroom, she saw her Dad coming out of his office.

"Are you not going to eat with us?" Cal asked as he looked over at her

"No, I just told Mom I'm not that hungry" Ellie said quietly

"More for us then" Cal said as he let out a chuckle

"Yep" Ellie said as she managed to force a smile

Cal glanced over at her before going down stairs, Ellie took a sip from the bottle of water as she went back into her bedroom.

Ellie's relationship with her Dad was very distant, they've never really been close, he always favourited the boys over her because the truth was he never really wanted a daughter and Ellie had always felt that from him since she was younger, she's grown up carrying that feeling of not being good enough.

It was different with her Mom, she really does love Ellie but Cal had always had this control over Marsha and although they were very close when Ellie was little, overtime she'd taken a step back which caused Ellie to notice it and with that she detached herself from her Mom completely, i guess you could say it was like a defence mechanism.

Her parents labelled her as moody and said that she was acting like a typical teenage girl but that wasn't the case, Ellie was hurt and in pain but she kept it all to herself because deep down she knew that they would never understand.

I'm so Sorry this chapter was really short but i just wanted to go into detail a bit more about Ellie's story and why she is the way she is, please let me know what you think so far!❤️

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