Meeting him

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On the way to the party, the girls had spotted Rue at the gas station, Maddy pulled over to let her in which Ellie was pleased about, she'd always liked Rue and Rue had always liked her

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On the way to the party, the girls had spotted Rue at the gas station, Maddy pulled over to let her in which Ellie was pleased about, she'd always liked Rue and Rue had always liked her.

It wasn't long before the girls arrived at the party, rue was was first to get out of the car, Ellie got out after.

"I'll see you in there El" Rue said as she looked over at Ellie

"See you in a bit Rue" Ellie said as she smiled at her before Rue walked over towards the house

Ellie looked over at Maddy, Kat and BB as they got out of the car, Maddy smiled at her before running over and linking arms with her.

"You look so hot" Maddy said as she winked at her

"So do you, I love the pink " Ellie said sweetly

"Why thankyou bestie" Maddy said as she smirked at her

The girls made their way into the house, Ellie looked around to see crowds of people in every area of the house, she had no idea it was going to be this busy.

"There's so many people" Ellie said as she looked over at Maddy

"Are you okay?" Maddy asked with concern laced in her voice

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry Mads" Ellie said, reassuring her

"If you need a minute, just let me know" Maddy said with softness in her voice

"I will, thankyou Mads" Ellie said as she smiled at her softly

Ellie went into the kitchen with Maddy, while BB went off to find one of her other friends and Kat went upstairs to go and see the twins.

"I need a drink" Maddy said as she grabbed a bottle of vodka off the kitchen counter

Ellie looked at her in disbelief as she started to chug the bottle of vodka.

"Maddy what the fuck" Ellie said with a dumbfounded look on her face

"You're turn" Maddy said as she handed the bottle over to her

"I don't think I can do it" Ellie said before gagging at the strong smell of vodka

"Oh come on, don't be a pussy" Maddy said playfully

Ellie looked over at Maddy before chugging the bottle, before she could drink anymore, she felt the bottle being snatched from her hand.

Ellie looked up to see an angry looking Nate, he stood next to her while he held the bottle in his hand.

"What the fuck are you doing, and why the hell are you wearing that?" Nate shouted as he looked at her angrily

Ellie could see how much Nate's presence had irritated Maddy, she watched as Maddy quickly walked off.

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