Us against the world

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Later in the evening, Ellie had sent Cole a text asking him to come and see her, he couldn't have replied quick enough

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Later in the evening, Ellie had sent Cole a text asking him to come and see her, he couldn't have replied quick enough.

It didn't long for Cole to get to the hospital, as he made his way over to her room, he caught a glimpse of her through the window.

A smile appeared on Ellie's face as she saw Cole standing in the door way.

"Hey El" Cole said softly he walked over to her

"Cole, I'm so sorry about the things I sai-

"Don't be, I'm just glad your okay" Cole said as he sat down next to her on the bed

"I was hurting and I took it out on you and I'm sorry for taking the pills I shouldn't have done it, i just wanted the pain to st-

"Ellie, it's okay, just promise me you'll never do anything like that again, you scared the shit out of me" Cole said as he pulled her into a hug

"I promise" Ellie said as she wrapped her arms around his torso

"You know how much I love you right?" Cole asked as he looked down at her

"I know, I love you too" Ellie said as she smiled at him sweetly

"I just had this gut feeling,I knew something was w-

"Cole there's something I need to tell you" Ellie said nervously as she detached from the hug

Cole could tell by her tone of voice that it was something serious.

"What is it?" Cole asked with concern laced in his voice as he looked over at her

"I'm pregnant" Ellie admitted as she watched a look of shock appear on his face

"I'm going to be a dad?" Cole asked as his face lit up

Cole's reaction took her by surprise, but it made her love him even more than she already did.

"They want me to get an abortion, it's happening tomorrow" Ellie said as she watched the happiness disappear from his face

"Ellie, this is our baby, not theirs, please just think abo-

"I'm keeping it, I already told the doctor after they left" Ellie said as she grabbed a hold of his hand

Ellie watched as that look of happiness appeared back onto his face.

"What made you want to keep it?" Cole asked as he held onto her hand

"You" Ellie said as tears filled up in her eyes

Cole leaned forward as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead

"I promise that I'll look after you both, I want to be the father I wish I had growing up" Cole said as with a hint of sadness laced in his voice

"I know you will, you'll be everything he couldn't be" Ellie said softly as she squeezed his hand

"Did the doctor say anything about the pills affecting the baby?" Cole asked with concern laced in his voice

"I spoke to him and he said that right now there doesn't appear to be anything wrong, he said I was very lucky" Ellie said as she saw a look of relief appear on Cole's face

"You are, she's definitely watching over you, she'd be proud of you El" Cole said referring to her biological mom

Ellie smiled at him as tears started to fill up in her eyes.

"Thankyou" Ellie said as she leaned into his arms

"I've got you, I've always got you" Cole said as he wrapped his arms around her

Before Ellie met Cole she didn't know what being loved felt like but now she did and it was the best feeling in the world.

"I think we should move away" Ellie said as she sat back up

"But what about school and your frie-

"I just don't want to live in this fucking town anymore all I care about now is you and our baby, i mean let's face it Cal and Nate don't want us to be together let alone have a baby together , we need to leave, it's for the best" Ellie said as she looked over at him

"If that's what you want, we'll leave, just let me get some things sorted before we d-

"Are you still going to work for Fez?" Ellie asked as she looked over at him

"No baby, I don't want that type of job if I'm going to be a dad" Cole said as he gave her a reassuring smile

"But what about Fez, do you think he'll be mad" Ellie asked with concern laced in her voice

"No not at all, you know what Fez is like, he'll understand" Cole said as he winked at her softly

"What will you do for work instead?" Ellie asked curiously

"I have a friend back home who works on a construction site, he'll be able to get me a job and I know there's loads of places around that we can look at to rent until we're ready to buy a house" Cole said as he looked over at her

"Sounds perfect to me" Ellie said as a smile appeared on her face

Cole pulled her back towards him as he wrapped his arms around her, she could feel his fingers run through her hair as her head rested against his chest.

"I'm so lucky" Cole said as he stroked her hair

"So are we" Ellie said softly

It didn't matter that her family didn't approve of Cole, it didn't matter that she was seventeen and pregnant all that mattered was that she was loved by a boy that she knew she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

This chapter was so cute to write, I've only got about two or three more left before I'm done with this book!!

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