The carnival part one

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It was the day of the carnival and Ellie could not think of anything worse than helping her family out with the stall

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It was the day of the carnival and Ellie could not think of anything worse than helping her family out with the stall.

As Ellie was walking over to the bathroom to get ready for the day, she saw Nate walking up the stairs.

"You have fun with Lexie?" Nate asked as he stood infront of her

"Yes" Ellie said as she looked up at him

"You're such a fucking lair, I know you weren't with Lexie, you saw him didn't you?" Nate spat with anger laced in his voice

"And so what If I did, seriously get off my fucking back" Ellie spat, raising her voice as she looked at him irritatedly

"For fuck sake Ellie, he's a drug dealer, Mom and Dad will go mad if they find ou-

Nate was cut off by Ellie slamming the door in his face as she went into the bathroom.

Ellie heard Nate huff in frustration, she'd had enough of her brother constantly having an opinion about everything that she did.

After Ellie had finished getting ready, she went into the kitchen to help her Mom and Dad get things ready for the carnival later on.

"Perfect timing, can you stir that for me please" Marsha said referring to the big pot of chilli that was cooking on the stove

"Sure" Ellie said as she walked over to the stove

"What are you going to wear later?" Marsha asked as she looked over at Ellie

"I've got this cute dress that I really want to wear" Ellie said as she started to stir the chilli

"Let's just hope it's not too short" Marsha said as she leaned over the counter

"Why would that matter?" Ellie asked in a confused tone of voice

"You know how you're Dad feels about you wearing clothes that are too revealing, just make sure you cover up a bit otherwise you won't hear the end of it" Marsha said as she looked over at her

"I really don't care Mom, I should be allowed to wear what I want" Ellie stated as she raised her voice slightly

"I'm just warning you" Marsha said as she put her hands up in defence, jokingly

"Thanks" Ellie said sarcastically as she forced a smile to appear on her face

Later on, everyone accept Ellie had already left to get the stall ready, she told them that she'd meet them there which Cal wasn't too pleased about.

Once Ellie had finished getting changed, she left the house.

As she started walking she felt her phone buzz in her coat pocket, she pulled it out to see a message from Cole.

Cole: I hope you're wearing something sexy tonight x

Ellie: behave x

Cole: I'll try my best but I'm not making any promises x

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