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Warning - smut

Ellie had just got back home from the carnival with everyone except Nate and if she was being honest with herself she was glad that he wasn't home yet, Nate was the last person that she wanted to be around right now

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Ellie had just got back home from the carnival with everyone except Nate and if she was being honest with herself she was glad that he wasn't home yet, Nate was the last person that she wanted to be around right now.

Just as Ellie was about to go upstairs she felt a hand touch her arm.

She turned around to see her Dad standing in front of her.

"I was very disappointed in you tonight Ellie, I don't want that happening again" Cal stated as he gave her a stern look

"It won't" Ellie said with quietness in her voice

In that moment Ellie wanted to unleash all of the anger and hurt that she had towards her Dad, she wanted him to know exactly how she felt but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Good" Cal stated bluntly as he glanced over at her before walking off

Ellie walked up stairs, she went into her bedroom as she shut the door behind her.

She felt tired and drained and the only thing that made her feel good was Cole, all she wanted to do was to go and see him but she knew it would be risky if she did.

Just as Ellie was about to get into bed, she heard her bedroom door open, she turned around to see Nate standing by the door.

"What do you want?" Ellie asked in a blunt tone of voice

"I spoke to your little boyfriend earlier, he seems like a really nice guy" Nate said sarcastically as he shut the door

"You had no right to say all of those things to him" Ellie stated as she raised her voice slightly

"I had every right, I'm you're brother Ellie, I know what's best for you" Nate stated as he walked towards her

"No you don't, I'm the happiest I've ever been because of hi-"

"Oh come on, how can a low life drug dealer make you the happiest you've ever been" Nate spat bitterly

"I don't care what you think Nate, he cares about me and I care about him" Ellie admitted

"He doesn't care about you, all he cares about is drugs and money" Nate stated nastily

"What the fuck would you know, i think you should be focusing more on your own relationship and trying to be less of a shitty boyfriend" Ellie spat as she shot him a glare

"Watch your mouth" Nate warned as he stepped towards her

"What are you going to do Nate? Grab my arm again, go ahead, I dare you" Ellie challenged him

"Now you're just being fucking stupid" Nate spat as he starred down at her

"And you're acting like a fucking psycho" Ellie said coldly

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