She knew the truth

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The next morning, Ellie couldn't have got out of the house quick enough, she hadn't heard anything from Maddy all morning so she just decided to walk to school

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The next morning, Ellie couldn't have got out of the house quick enough, she hadn't heard anything from Maddy all morning so she just decided to walk to school.

As soon as she got to school, she spotted Cassie standing by the lockers, she walked over to her with a smile on her face.

"Hey Cass" Ellie said as she stood infront of her

"Hey Ell" Cassie said as she turned to look at her

"Have you heard from Maddy?" Ellie asked as she looked at Cassie

"I haven't spoken to her since the weekend but I've just seen her walking to class with Kat" Cassie said as she closed her locker

"Oh okay, I'll catch up with her later" Ellie said as she shot her a small smile

"Everything okay?" Cassie asked with concern laced in her voice

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine" Ellie reassured her

"I'm going to head to first period, I'll come and find you later El" Cassie said as she smiled at Ellie before walking off

"Okay Cass, I'll see you later" Ellie said as she started to walk in the opposite direction

After first and second period, Ellie was told by different people that Maddy had passed out in class, feeling worried for her best friends well being, she rushed down to the principals office.

Just as Ellie was about to go into the office, she saw a distressed looking Maddy sitting in the chair, shouting at the principal.

Ellie didn't want to disturb whatever was going on, so she decided to just go straight to third period.

As she made Ellie her way to her class, she couldn't help but worry about Maddy, she knew something wasn't right.

Ellie stopped in her tracks as she spotted Nate being escorted through the halls by two police men.

She walked over to Lexie and Cassie who were standing by the lockers.

"What's going on?" Ellie asked with panic laced in her voice as she stood in front of the two girls

"Apparently Nate choked Maddy at the carnival" Lexie said as she looked at Ellie

"What" Ellie said as a look of shock appeared on her face

"It might not be true El" Cassie said with softness laced in her voice

"But what if it is" Ellie said as she ran her hands through her hair

"It'll be oka-

"I need to go" Ellie said as she glanced at them before rushing off

All Ellie could think about in that moment were all the times that Nate had been aggressive towards her and others, she knew exactly what he was capable of, she knew it was true.

Ellie went into the canteen, in the hopes that it would be empty.

She spotted Rue and Jules sitting down at one of the tables, Rue looked over at Ellie as she waved at her.

Ellie waved back at her as she walked over to the table.

"You okay?" Rue asked as she noticed the look on Ellie's face

"Yeah I'm fine" Ellie said quietly as she looked over at Rue

"You don't look fine" Jules said as she looked up at her

"Im okay, I promise" Ellie lied as she looked down at Jules

Rue knew Ellie was lying, she was stupid but she wasn't that stupid.

"It's because of your brother isn't it" Rue said as looked over at her

"Rue" Jules said as she nudged her arm

"You've heard then" Ellie said quietly as she looked down at the floor

"Everyone's heard, people are saying Maddys got this massive bruise on her ne-

"Rue come on, cut it out" Jules said as she shot her a glare

"Sorry El, I didn't me-

"No it's fine, you've got nothing to apologise for, after all it is the truth" Ellie said as she looked over at Rue with a blank expression on her face

"It might not be" Rue said

"You don't know him like I do" Ellie said with a hint of sadness in her voice

Ellies comment caused Jules to give her a knowing look.

Ellie noticed the way that Jules was looking at her, it's as if Jules knew something that she didn't.

"I should get back to class" Ellie said as she looked at Jules then at Rue

"Bye El" Rue said as she gave her a small smile

"Bye" Ellie said as she glanced at her before walking off

Just as Ellie was walking back through the school halls, she spotted her Mom standing with the two police officers.

Marsha walked over to Ellie with a stressed look on her face.

"Do you think it's true?" Marsha asked with panic laced in her voice

"I don't know M-

"I just don't think he'd do something like this" Marsha said as she looked over at Ellie

Ellie wanted to tell her Mom exactly what she thought about Nate but she just couldn't being herself to do it.

"I'm sure it'll be fine Mom, just try not to worry" Ellie said reassuring her

Just before Marsha could respond she saw Nate and Cal walk out of the classroom together.

"We've got to go down to the station with your brother, I'll see you at home" Marsha said as she looked at Ellie before going back over

"Okay, I'll see you later" Ellie said as she watched her Mom walk over to Cal and Nate

Nate glanced over at her before walking off with the two police officers and his parents.

For the rest of the day Ellie could not stop thinking about what Nate had done to Maddy, a part of her knew that Cal would find a way to get him out of it though, he always did when it came to his son.

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