Full of surprises

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Ellie woke up the next day with the desire to fake being sick, she did not want to go back to school it's not as though she got bullied or anything bad ever happened while she was there, she just hated it

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Ellie woke up the next day with the desire to fake being sick, she did not want to go back to school it's not as though she got bullied or anything bad ever happened while she was there, she just hated it.

Ellie got dressed and went outside while she waited for Maddy to pick her up.

Nate walked outside as he went over and stood next to her, she glanced up at him before looking the other way.

"Still giving me the silent treatment?" Nate asked as he nudged her shoulder lightly

Ellie ignored him as she looked down at the ground, he nudged her again but she still chose to ignore him.

"Look I'm sorry, I was angry and you got caught in the crossfire, I didn't mean to-

"I don't want to talk about this right now" Ellie stated cutting him off

"Fine" Nate said bluntly before walking over to his car

Nate got into the car before driving off, Ellie stood there as she watched him drive away.

Maddy turned up shortly after Nate had left, she parked up outside of the house as Ellie ran over to the car.

"Hey bitch" Maddy yelled as she looked over at her

"Heyyyy" Ellie chirped as she got into the car

"You look so good" Maddy said as she smirked at her

"So do you" Ellie said as she smiled at her sweetly

After Maddy had parked her car, the girls made their way to the first period of the day.

Ellie sat down at desk while Maddy sat in the desk next to her.

"So when are going to see that hot guy again?" Maddy asked as she looked over at Ellie with a smirk on her face

"Well he lives with Fez now, so I'll probably see him when I go over to the house" Ellie said as she looked over at Maddy

"Make sure you dress a bit sexier when you go over, he won't be able to resist you" Maddy said as she winked at Ellie

"No no, it's not like that Mads, he's just a frien-

"Yeah yeah, that's what they all say" Maddy said as she rolled her eyes at her playfully

After their first period was finished, the girls were walking to their second period with Cassie, BB and Kat.

BB had told the girls all about Kat losing her virginity at the party.

"Good for you Kat" Ellie said as she gave her a wink followed by a smile

"So when are you finally going to pop you're cherry" BB asked as she looked over at Ellie with a grin on her face

"I want to wait for the right person" Ellie said honestly

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