Aftermath part two

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"I'm really worried about her Fez, I shouldn't have made her leave, what if she's done something stu-

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"I'm really worried about her Fez, I shouldn't have made her leave, what if she's done something stu-

"You can't think like that man, she'll be fine, she's probably gone back home" Fez said reassuring him

"I don't know Fez, I've just got this horrible feeling, I need to go and make sure she's okay" Cole said as he glanced at Fez before rushing out of the house

As Cole was walking down the street, he spotted a group of paramedics crowded around someone who was laying on the floor.

As he got closer, he could see who it was.

"Ellie!" Cole shouted as he ran over to her

"Sir you need to stay back" one of the paramedics said as she stood up to face Cole

"She's my girlfriend" Cole said as tears filled up in his eyes

"Please, just wait until we get her into the ambulance" she said calmly

"Please just let me see her" Cole begged desperately as he pushed past her

"Just wait one sec-

"Let me fucking see her now" Cole demanded aggressively

"You need to calm down or you won't be able to come into the ambulance with her" the paramedic stated

"I'll be calm, I just need to to with her" Cole said with desperation in his voice

"I know and you can" The paramedic reassured him

Cole looked over at Ellie as he watched the paramedics carry her into the ambulance.

"Go on" the paramedic said as she looked her at Cole

Cole glanced at her before rushing over to the ambulance.

The other paramedic looked over at Cole as he got into the ambulance.

"What did you do" Cole said with sadness in his voice as he saw Riley laying there unconscious

"She overdosed on sleeping pills" The paramedic said

Cole's heart sank, he knew they were the sleeping pills that he had left on top of the cabinet in the living room.

"Please tell me she's going to be okay" Cole said as his voice broke

"She'll be okay, we just need to get her to the hospital" the paramedic reassured him

Cole sat down next to Ellie as he grabbed a hold of her hand.

"I love you" Cole said as he squeezed her hand gently

After they had got Ellie to the hospital, Cole was told to stay in the waiting area, he sat there anxiously as he waited for a doctor to give him an update on Ellie.

Cole had texted Maddy about what had happened so she could tell Nate, as much as he didn't like her family for the way they had treated her, he knew they had the right to know.

"She's awake" The doctor said as he walked over to Cole

"Can I see her?" Cole asked as he stood up from the chair

"Of course" the doctor said

Cole shot him a weak smile before walking towards the room Ellie was in, as he got nearer, he saw Nate walking towards him.

"This is all your fucking fault" Nate shouted aggressively

"My fault? It's you and your fucked up family's fault" Cole spat as he stood infront of him

"Before she met you, she was normal, your the one who's fucked her up" Nate fumed as he stepped closer to Cole

"Your a fucking Joke, you and your weird ass family, Ellie's the only one who's normal" Cole spat

"If you ever go near her again, I'll fucking kill you" Nate threatened

Before Cole could respond, Cal and Marsha came rushing over to them.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Cal questioned angrily as he looked over at Cole

"You need to leave" Marsha said as she stood next to Cal

"I'm not leaving until I see her" Cole stated as he raised his voice

"Your the reason this happened to her, I should be calling the police and telling them what kind of person you are and what you do, your a fucking disgrace" Cal fumed as he angrily pointed his finger at Cole

"The only people who are to blame are you three, the reason she did it is because she found out the truth, you fucking lied to her for years" Cole stated

"What would you know?" Nate questioned defensively as he glared at him

"I know a lot more than you think I do" Cole said as he looked over at Nate

"If you don't leave now, I'm calling the police" Cal warned

Cole clenched his jaw as he looked Cal dead in the eye.

"None of you deserve to have her in your live's" Cole said coldly before walking off

Cole was right, they didn't deserve Ellie, but he did.

I'm sorry for being so inactive, I've so much going on! I'm going to try and be more active ❤️

Also i published this chapter yesterday but had to edit it again because I used the wrong name for Ellie 🤣🤣

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