Letting him in

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After driving for the past 30 minutes, Cole had finally got to where he wanted to take Ellie, she looked over at him as he parked the car up next to a forest

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After driving for the past 30 minutes, Cole had finally got to where he wanted to take Ellie, she looked over at him as he parked the car up next to a forest.

"Is this the part where you murder me" Ellie said jokingly

Cole let out a chuckle as he looked over at her with a grin on his face.

"Come on" he said as he looked over at her before getting out of the car

Ellie glanced at him before getting out of the car, she shut the door behind her as she walked over towards Cole.

"So what are we doing here?" Ellie asked curiously as she looked up at him

"I'll show you" Cole said as he grabbed her hand, leading her into the forest.

Cole led Ellie over to a spot that was near the edge of the cliff, , it overlooked the mountains and the other parts of the forest.

"Wow" Ellie said as she saw the view

"I knew you'd like it here" Cole said as he sat down by one of the trees

Ellie smiled at Cole before sitting down next to him.

"It's amazing" Ellie said as she turned to look at him

Cole smiled at her before pulling out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket.

"You don't mind if I smoke do you?" Cole asked as he looked over at her

"No of course not, go ahead" Ellie insisted

He glanced at her before lighting the cigarette, she watched as he took a drag of it.

"I come here a lot to clear my head" Cole stated as he looked at her

"I think I should start doing the same" Ellie said honestly

"You should, it's always good to take some time for yourself" Cole said with softness in his voice before taking another drag of his cigarette

"Yep, especially when you have a family like mine" Ellie admitted

Ellie hasn't realised what she had just said until she saw the look on Cole's face.

"What do you mean?" Cole asked with a confused look on his face

"Shit I'm sorry, just forget I said anyth-

"Don't be sorry, you can talk to me" Cole said softly

"No it's okay, it doesn't matter" Ellie said trying to brush it off

"It does, honestly you can tell me anything El, I won't judge" Cole reassured her

Although Ellie had only recently met Cole, she felt this warmth from him and it made her feel comfortable around him, she was confident that she could tell him things and there would be no judgment.

"My family doesn't seem to understand me much, especially my Dad, our relationship has always been very distant" Ellie stated honestly

"That sucks, what about you're Mom, are you two close?" Cole asked

"We were when I was younger but then it's as if something just changed, she didn't seem to be that interested in me anymore" Ellie said with sadness in her voice

"I'm sorry El" Cole said sympathetically

"It's okay, I've gotten used to it" Ellie said she with hurt laced in her voice

"What about you're brothers?" Cole asked as he smoked his cigarette

"My oldest brother Aaron has never really bothered with me much, Nate always has except he can get really protective and intense, it just gets too much at times, you know" Ellie said as she looked over at him with sadness in her eyes

"It sounds like it's a lot for you to cope with, you know you've always got me and Fez right?" Cole said in a comforting tone of voice

"I know, thankyou" Ellie said as she gave him a small smile

Cole smiled back at her softly.

"Now enough about me, what's you're story?" Ellie asked curiously as she looked over at him

"There's not really a lot to say, my Dads a deadbeat who's always chosen alcohol over his own son and my mom left us when I was younger" Cole said with a hint of sadness laced in his voice

"That's awful Cole, I'm sorry" Ellie said sympathetically

"Don't be, I've got Fez and Ash, they're my family
now" Cole said

"How long have you known Fez?" Ellie asked

"Since I was 14, me and my Dad moved into the house next to theirs, we'd always hang out together" Cole said a smile appeared on his face

"Did you got to the same school as him?" Ellie asked

"No, I went to a different school" Cole stated

"You both seem really close" Ellie said as she smiled at him

"We are, he's like a brother to me, we've always stayed in contact even after I moved away with my Dad" Cole admitted as he took another drag of his cigarette

"If you don't mind me asking, how come you came back?" Ellie asked

"I was struggling to keep a job and my Dad wasn't changing his ways so I left" Cole stated as he looked over at her

"Im sorry" Ellie said as she gave her a small smile

"Honestly it's fine, Fez is letting me work with him now so I'll be able to make some money" Cole said as he carried on smoking his cigarette

Ellie knew Cole what he was referring to, he was going to help Fez sell drugs, it didn't really bother her much as long as he was sensible like Fez was, it didn't matter.

"I'm glad you're here Cole" Ellie said with softness in her voice as she smiled at him

"So am I" Cole said softly as he looked into her eyes

Cole looked at the brunette with a huge smile on his face, he had never found a girl so attractive in his life but it wasn't just her looks that made her beautiful, it was also in the way she carried herself.

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