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Cole shot up from the couch as he heard a loud bang on the front door

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Cole shot up from the couch as he heard a loud bang on the front door.

"Cole it's me please let me in" Ellie begged as she continued to bang on the door

Within an instant Cole rushed over to the front door, he opened it to see Ellie with tears streaming down her face.

He looked at her with a concerned look on his face as he pulled her into his chest.

"They lied to me" Ellie sobbed into his chest as she held onto him tightly

"What do you mean El?" Cole asked worriedly as he looked down at her

"Their not my real parents" Ellie said with sadness in her voice as she looked up at him

Cole was in shock at Ellie's revelation, he detached form the hug as he grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch.

Ellie sat down next to Cole as he placed his hand on top of hers.

"You can talk to me El, just take your time" Cole reassured her

"Thankyou" Ellie said as she smiled at him weakly

"It's okay" Cole said with softness in his voice

"I got home and they were angry because they knew I'd been seeing you behind their backs, things got heated and then Cal told me I wasn't his daughter" Ellie said as she looked down at the floor

"What happened after he said that?" Cole asked with concern laced in his voice

"Marsha told me that I was adopted" Ellie said as she turned to look at him

"I just don't get why they would keep something like this from you for so long" Cole said in disbelief

"That's not even the worst part, My Dad raped my Mom and after she had me she couldn't cope so she killed herself" Ellie admitted as she looked at Cole with pain in her eyes

"I'm so sorry El, that's awful" Cole said sympathetically as he pulled her into his chest

Ellie began to cry in his arms as he held only her tightly.

"I've got you, it's okay" Cole said as he kissed her in the forehead

"I just want to get rid of this pain" Ellie cried as she pulled back from Cole

"I know El, I know, you've got me and I'm not going anywhere" Cole said reassuring her as he stroked the side of her face softly

"Can you give me some stuff?" Ellie asked as she looked up at him

"What like weed?" Cole asked as he looked down at her

"No, I want those pills you sold to that guy at the party" Ellie said with desperation in her voice

"Ellie No, I'm not giving you pills" Cole stated sternly

"Why is it such a big fucking deal to you, if you cared about me you'd give me some" Ellie stated as she raised her voice slightly

"Don't do that shit El, come on your better then this" Cole said with frustration laced in his voice

"Oh give me a fucking break, you sell drugs to people everyday" Ellie stated as she stood up from the couch

"Yes, and I know what they can do to people like you, people who are hurting and trying to get rid of the pain, it starts of as one then before you know it, you'll end up like Rue" Cole stated as he stood up in front of her

"Spare me the lecture, don't try and make yourself out to be the good guy, you destroy people's life's by selling them drugs, one more isn't going to hurt is it?" Ellie spat sarcastically

"I get it, your hurting but that doesn't mean you need to be a fucking bitch" Cole said as he raised his voice at her

"Your the fucking bitch, your own mother doesn't want anything to do with you, and your Dads a drunk, I might be adopted but atleast I have parents" Ellie spat nastily

"Fuck you" Cole spat angrily as he looked down at her with hurt in his eyes

"Did I hit a nerve?" Ellie asked as a smirk  appeared on her face

"You need to leave, I can't be around you when your like this" Cole stated as he looked at her emotionlessly

"I'm not leaving until I get what I came here for" Ellie stated

"I'm not giving you fucking pills, now get out" Cole demanded as he looked down at her

"I'll just have to go and get them myself then" Ellie said as she began to walk over to Cole's room

Before she could get any closer, Cole grabbed ahold of her arm pulling her towards the front the door.

"Get off me!" Ellie shouted as she tried to get out of his grip

"I'm sorry" Cole said as he pushed her out of the house

Cole slammed the door shut as Ellie began banging on the door desperately.

"I fucking hate you!" Ellie shouted as she contained to bang on the door

"Please just go home" Cole said from the other side of the door

"You don't care about, you never did" Ellie cried as she stopped banging on the door

Cole went silent at her words, he knew she didn't mean any of it but that didn't stop it from hurting any less.

Ellie glanced at the door before walking off, as she walked down the street all she could think about was how much she wanted to numb the pain.

The pain was too much for her to ignore, her mind had bought her to a dark place, a place where the pain would stop forever, a place where she wouldn't have to feel anything ever again.

Ellie pulled the sleeping pills out of her pocket, she'd took from the top of the cabinet when Cole was too distracted trying to get her out of the house.

She took the lid off, she glanced down at them before pouring the whole contents of the container into her mouth.

This chapter was a roller coaster, I felt so bad for Cole😢

What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

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