To be in love

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Warning - Smut

(Listen to Bathroom by Montell Fish when reading this chapter!)

About an hour had passed since Ellie had been at the party and Cole hadn't left her side, he saw the way that all of the boys had been looking at her which only made him more protective of her than he already was

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About an hour had passed since Ellie had been at the party and Cole hadn't left her side, he saw the way that all of the boys had been looking at her which only made him more protective of her than he already was.

Cole had gone outside to see Fez while Ellie stayed with Kat in the kitchen.

"Are you fucked up yet?" Kat asked as she smirked at Ellie

"A little" Ellie said slurring her words slightly

"That's what we like to see, do you want another shot?" Kat asked as she grabbed the bottle of vodka

"Go on then" Ellie said as she stood next to Kat

Kat poured a shot for herself and Ellie, once Kat was done, she handed it over to Ellie.

"Thanks" Ellie said as she turned to look at Kat

Ellie lifted her shot glass up as Kat did the same, they tapped each others glasses before shoting the vodka.

"Ugh" Ellie said in disgust as she slammed the shot glass down onto the counter

"I leave you alone for one second and you've had more shots" Cole said playfully as he walked over to Ellie

"She's going to need to be carried out of here by the end of the night" Kat said as she let out a snicker

"You can do it since your the one supplying her with all the alcohol" Cole said jokingly as he looked over at Kat

"Yeah, that's not happening" Kat said playfully as she grinned at him

Cole watched as Ellie jumped up onto the counter.

Ellie noticed Kat looking at someone, she looked over to see Ethan standing on the other side of the kitchen.

"Go and talk to him" Ellie said as she looked at Kat

"I don't want to" Kat moaned as she looked over at Ellie

"You'll regret it, If you don't" Ellie stated

"I guess your right, I'll be back in a minute" Kat said as she glanced at Ellie before walking over to Ethan

Cole moved closer to Ellie as he stood between her legs.

Ellie looked up at him before crashing her lips onto his.

Their kiss was interrupted by a random guy tapping Cole on the shoulder.

Cole broke the kiss as he turned to look at him.

"Hey man, have you got any stuff?" The guy asked as he looked at Cole

"Yeah, how much do you want" Cole asked

"Fifty Dollars worth" The guy said as he pulled out the money from his pocket

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