His anger got the best of him

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Ellie had spent the last hour talking about random shit with Fez and Cole outside, she'd never laughed so much in her life

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Ellie had spent the last hour talking about random shit with Fez and Cole outside, she'd never laughed so much in her life.

"I'm telling you aliens are fucking real" Cole said as he looked between Ellie and Fez

"You've lost your fucking mind bro" Fez said as he started to laugh at him

Hearing Fez laugh had set Ellie off, she burst out laughing as she looked over at him with a huge grin on her face.

"Assholes" Cole said jokingly before taking a sip of his beer

"I'm going to go the the toilet, I'll be back in a sec" Ellie said as she got up

"See you in a sec" Fez said as he looked over at her

Cole looked up at Ellie as he watched her walk passed him.

She glanced down at him with soft smile on her face, before going back into the house.

Fez noticed the way Cole was looking at her, he knew exactly what that look meant.

"I saw that" Fez said as he looked at him with a smirk on his face

"Saw what?" Cole said as a smile appeared on his face

"You know what" Fez said as he smirked at him

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Cole said with a smug look on his face

As Ellie was coming out of the toilet, she saw Cassie and McKay coming out of his bedroom.

She looked over at Cassie with a smirk on her face, Cassie ran over to her as she pulled her into a big hug.

"You two have fun" Ellie joked as she looked over at McKay then back at Cassie

Mckay rolled her eyes at her playfully before fist bumping her.

"What's up little Jacobs" Mckay said with a grin on his face

"Oi, less of the little" Ellie said as she pushed his arm lightly

McKay let out a chuckle before pulling her into a side hug.

"Im gonna go and find Nate, I'll let you two catch up" McKay said as he looked at them both

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit" Cassie said before giving him a peck on the lips

Ellie smiled at McKay before he made his way down stairs.

Ellie and Cassie sat at the top of the stairs talking to each other for the next 30 minutes, Ellie was as close to Cassie as she was to Maddy, they called themselves the trio, it had always been that way since they were younger.

"You seem really happy with McKay" Ellie said as she smiled at Cassie

"I am, I really really like him Ellie" Cassie said as a big smile appeared on her face

"I can tell, you haven't stopped smiling all night" Ellie said before letting out a little giggle

"He's just makes me feel so-

"Ellie you need to come down, Nate just went crazy at some random girl" one of Nate's friends said as stood at the bottom of the stairs

"What?" Ellie asked as she looked over at him with a confused look on her face

"Just come down" he said before rushing off

"For fuck sake" Ellie said as she rolled her eyes frustratedly

As soon as the girls got down stairs they saw Mckay standing there with a stressed look on his face.

"What's going on?" Cassie asked as she touched the side of his arm

"Nate went fucking mental and trashed the kitchen" Mckay said in an annoyed tone of voice

"I'll be back in a sec" Ellie said before walking off to go and find Nate

Ellie walked into the kitchen and instantly noticed the mess that her brother had caused, he looked over at her as he stood by the counter holding a bottle of vodka in his hand.

"What the fuck have you done?" Ellie said as she walked over to him

"You're best friend is a dirty little slut" Nate spat as he glared at her

"Don't call her that Nate" Ellie stated as she raised her voice slightly

"I can say and do whatever the fuck I want" Nate shouted as he looked down at her

"I haven't got the patience for this shit" Ellie said before going to walk off

"Don't fucking walk away when I'm talking to you" Nate spat with aggression in his voice as he grabbed her arm

"Get off me" Ellie demanded as she struggled to pull away from his grip

Ellie groaned in pain as she felt his grip on her arm tighten.

"Nate you're hurting me" Ellie said sadly as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes

As soon as he saw the look on her face Nate's anger quickly turned to regret, he let go of her arm before attempting to pull her into a hug.

"Don't" Ellie said quietly as she pushed him away

Before Nate could say anything, Ellie quickly rushed off.

Ellie felt herself come to a halt as she collided into someone, she looked up to see Cole standing in front of her.

Cole's smile quickly faded as he saw the tears building up in her eyes.

"You okay?" Cole asked with concern laced in his voice as he touched her arm gently

"Yeah I'm fine" Ellie said quietly as she looked up at him

"You don't look fine" Cole said worriedly

"I promise I'm okay, don't worry" Ellie reassured him as she gave him a small smile

"Me and Fez got a bit worried because you didn't come back outside but some guy said you were upstairs talking to you're friend" Cole said softly as he looked at her

"I know I'm sorry, I got side tracked and completely forgot to let you both kno-

"Ellie we're going home now" Kat said as she stood by the door with Maddy and BB

Cole glanced over at them before turning his attention back to Ellie.

"I'll let you go, I'll definitely see you around though" Cole said as he winked at her

"Yeah definitely, I'll see you soon" Ellie said as she smiled at him

He smiled back at her before she made her way over to the girls, Maddy looked at her with a massive smirk on her face.

"Who's that?" Kat asked as she looked over at him then back at Ellie

"He's really hot, please tell me you kissed him" Maddy said as she smirked at Ellie

"No Mads" Ellie said as with a small smile on her face

"Boooo" Maddy joked

"Maddy why are you wet?" Ellie asked with a confused look on her face

"I went for a swim" Maddy said as she grinned at Ellie

"She did more than that" BB said with a smirk on her face

"I'm not even gonna ask" Ellie said as she rolled her eyes playfully

The girls had gotten back to Maddys house and Ellie was relieved that they left when they did, being around Nate when he's angry is extremely draining, Ellie had experienced it throughout her whole life, he'd always had a bad temper but she never thought for one second that he'd ever get physical with her and the fact that he had, made her question everything.

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