When the bough breaks

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(TW - Violence, abuse, mention of baby loss)

(TW - Violence, abuse, mention of baby loss)

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"Something bad is bout to happen to me"

As soon as Ellie got home she ran upstairs and went into her bedroom.

She pulled out her suitcase full of clothes that she'd hidden at the back of her closet.

Ellie pulled the suit case over towards the door as she leaned it up against the wall.

She pulled out her phone as she walked over to her dressing table.

Ellie: I've just got home, just going to get some more bit's together, I'd say leave in about ten mins xx

Cole: Okay El, I'll see you soon xx

Ellie put her phone down onto the dresser before she opened the top draw, she looked down at the scan photo of her baby as she picked it up.

"You are so loved already" Ellie said as she held the picture close to her chest

She placed the picture on top of the dresser as she walked back over to her closet.

As she was flicking thought the remainder of her clothes that were left in the closest, she heard the door open followed by heavy footsteps.

"Your a bit early babe" Ellie said as she heard Cole walking up the stairs

There was no response.

"Cole?" Ellie said as she stepped into the centre of her bedroom

She could hear the footsteps get closer as she watched the door start to open.

Ellie's heart dropped as she saw Nate standing in the door way.

"No Cole I'm afraid, just me" Nate said as he walked into her room

"What do you want?" Ellie asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice

Nate ignored her as he looked over at the suitcase that was positioned up against the wall.

"Going somewhere are we?" Nate said in a tone of voice that made Ellie's body go cold

"No" Ellie said shakily

"Don't lie to me" Nate warned as he walked towards her

"I'm just going away for the weekn-

"Stop fucking lying, you were going to leave with him weren't you?" Nate spat with anger in his voice

Ellie remained silent, she was too afraid to get her words out.

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