The way he makes her feel

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The next day after school, Ellie had gone over to Cassie's house with the girls to help her get ready for her night with McKay

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The next day after school, Ellie had gone over to Cassie's house with the girls to help her get ready for her night with McKay.

"Love that" Maddy said as she looked over at Cassie while she held up one of her tops

"Like perf" BB said before taking a drag of her vape

"Lex" Cassie said as she looked over at her

"It's cute" Lexie said as she looked over at her sister while laying on her bed

"Ughhh, I wish I had you're collar bones" Maddy groaned as she looked over at Cassie

"I'm so happy that things are going well with you and McKay Cass" Ellie chirped as she smiled at Cassie

"Thanks El, I am too" Cassie said as she smiled back at her

Ellie sat down next to Maddy on Cassie's bed as her Mom came into the room.

"I'm putting a lot of trust in you" Suze said as she walked over towards Cassie

"Yeah Cassie don't get pregnant" Kat said with as a smirk appeared on her face

"That's not funny Kat, but don't you dare get pregnant" Suze said as she stood infront of Cassie

"Relax Mom, he has a roommate"  Cassie said as she looked over at her

"I want you to keep you're phone on throughout the night, send a photo of me when you get back to the dorm with a clock in it" Suze said as she pointed her finger up at her

"Like a ransom photo?" Maddy asked with a dumbfounded look on her face

"I hate you" Cassie said jokingly as she looked at her Mom

"Well I love you" Suze said with softness in her voice

"I love you too" Cassie said as she kissed her on the cheek

Ellie went outside with Suze Maddy, Lexie and Kat as they watched Cassie run over to Mckays car.

"Have fun babygirl" Suze said as she held a glass of wine in her hand

"No funny business Christopher" Suze shouted over at him

Ellie stood next to Lexie as she watched Kat pretend to fuck Maddy from behind, she put her hand over her mouth as she tried her best to contain her laughter.

"Yeah no I promise" McKay said reassuring her

"Just be a gentleman" Suze warned him

Shortly after Cassie had left and the others had gone home, Ellie was outside waiting for Nate to pick her and Maddy up.

Ellie heard a buzzing noise, she grabbed her phone out of her pocket to see a text message from Cole.

Cole: Hey El, you busy? X

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