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Ellie laid on her side with her back facing Marsha

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Ellie laid on her side with her back facing Marsha.

"Im so sorry about everything" Marsha said as she sat on the chair next to Ellie's bed

"Where's Cole?" Ellie asked ignoring her apology as she sat up

"Ellie, I said I'm sorry" Marsha said with a hint of desperation in her voice

"I heard you" Ellie said bluntly as she looked over at the window

Before Marsha could say anything else, Cal and Nate came back into the room.

Ellie didn't even want to be around any of them she just wanted to be left alone.

"The doctor wants to talk to you" Cal said as he asked over to the bed

"What about?" Ellie asked as she looked over at her with a blank expression

"I don't know, he said it was important" Cal said as he sat down next to Marsha

Ellie caught Nate looking at her, she turned away from his gaze as she started twiddling her thumbs.

Her head shot up as she heard the door open, she looked over to see the doctor walk into the room.

He walked over to the bed as he stood at the end of it.

"So as you know we did some tests just to make sure that everything is okay" The doctor said as he looked over at Cal and Marsha

"Is it?" Marsha asked with concern laced in her voice

"Yes, but there is something important that I need to discuss with Ellie" the doctor said as he looked over at her

"We're all ears" Cal said as he looked over at the doctor

"I think it's best that I talk to her about it in private" the doctor said

"No, we need to know what it is, just tell us"Cal insisted sternly

"It's fine, they can stay, what is it?" Ellie asked as she looked over at the doctor

"Your pregnant" the doctor said

"Oh my god" Marsha said as she put her head in her hands

"What" Cal said in a tone of voice that made Ellie feel uneasy

"Are you sure?" Ellie asked shakily

"Yes, I'm sure" the doctor said

"You've got to be fucking joking" Nate said with anger in his voice

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