It's kinda chilly in here

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"Help! I'm stuck in the-- NO DON'T WALK IN TOO--"

"Guys! I found something!" Logan yelled out to the others, looking up at the now abandoned restaurant. "Ooh! I remember this place!" Taylor then said, putting a hand on her hip. "Should we go in to explore it? Maybe we can find more equipment" Tyler suggested as Ashlyn shook her head, "Yes, but no. If we all go in, the more the phantoms will notice us. How about one or two of us go in, and the rest go to find another place to stay in?" Ashlyn suggested as everyone else agreed.


Taylor was exploring the back as Ben was setting down they're stuff. The others already left so it was just them two, suddenly, Ben hears a thud and multiple small crashes. He immediately runs over to check up on Taylor, he then hears on his walkie talkie.. "Help! I'm stuck in the-- No don't walk in--!" But it was too late, Ben had already walked in and triggered the locks on the door, which closed it. Taylor rushed to the door and started trying to open it "No no no no no no.." She mumbled repeatedly to herself, frantically trying to open the door. "Crap.." She mumbled as she looked around to see if there was another exit. She then took out her pickaxe and started hitting the door, but to no avail, the door got just a few scratches.

Ben's pov:

I watch as Taylor starts hitting the door with her axe. I start putting on the jacket that Aiden gave me to keep myself a bit more warm, then, I hear a much louder hit, followed by the sound of a pickaxe falling and a soft whimper. When I look up, I realize it's Taylor, she's looking down at her hand. I rush towards her and notice she has a gash on her finger, leading all the way to her knuckles. She seems like she's in a bunch of pain, which is obvious considering she's hurt pretty bad. I gently take her other hand and lead her to a corner of the room and get the medkit; I then sit her down and sit down myself. I start tending her wounds, in which I hear a few soft sniffles from time to time; I feel so bad for her.

I put some alcohol on a cotton swab and press it onto her wound, a shaky gasp was heard in response. I see how she's trying to grip onto something, so I take her hand. Her grip doesn't tighten as much as to not 'hurt me'. I take some gauze and wrap it around her wound, humming a bit while doing so. I decided to give her a small hand massage to ease the pain since we had nothing to do so. I glanced up to check on her and I noticed she's much more relaxed and breathing much calmer and her eyes were closed, enjoying the massage, in which I smiled to in response. Cute.

Taylor's pov:

I feel myself calming down and relaxing as Ben massages my hand, it feels really good if I'm being completely honest. Then, when he stops to put away the stuff, the cold starts to kick in. I mean, being stuck in a walk in refrigerator that locks from the outside with no service or communication to the outside world is horrible, but it's worse when it's actually turned on..

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled to Ben, as he looks up at me in confusion, 'for?' he typed on his phone. "For getting us stuck in here... If I actually took in consideration what could happen instead of just walking in.. none of this would've happened..." I said, looking down. A few seconds of silence passed.. 'It's not your fault so don't work yourself up over it. Plus, you didn't know the door would lock.' Ben typed on his phone as I just looked up at him ashamedly. He gave me a reassuring nod and smile, so I smiled back. At this point, the cold was unbearable and I was slightly shivering; actually, slightly is an understatement. I was shaking from the cold, and the fact my hair was up wasn't helping. I reached over to take my hair out of its ponytail as Ben watched me. I took it out and slightly moved my head around to get my hair to go down completely. I then looked back at Ben to see what he was doing, I noticed how he was just staring at me. I got slightly confused so I tried calling out to him, "Ben? You okay..?" I asked softly, slightly tilting my head. He then snapped out of his thoughts and looked into my eyes, letting out a hum. I giggled at the sight, I felt my cheeks slightly heat up as I laughed at how adorable I found it.

Ben's pov:

She started giggling at how I was 'zoned out', which I was, but all because I was just admiring her. Her laugh is so adorable.

She calmed herself down after a quick minute and I noticed how she was shaking. Since I wasn't cold, I took off the jacket and wrapped it around her, she looked up at me and I gave her a small smile, she returned the smile back as she hugged me tightly. We stayed there for a bit before I noticed she ended up falling asleep. I was starting to get cold but I couldn't do anything about it, so I just stayed stroking Taylor's hair while I tried to find a way to leave.
1 hour later..

I was this close to falling asleep when I noticed some flashlights in the distance, I set Taylor down gently and rushed to start banging on the door to try and get their attention, which worked. When I turned around to tell Taylor, I noticed her breathing, it was very slow and shaky, I also noticed her finger tips had a white-ish tint on them. I rushed to her side and tried waking her up, when she did, she told me how she felt as if there were pins and needles in her fingers, which I just held her close to try and warm her up as best as possible. She was having trouble speaking, thinking and breathing. I ignored the banging on the door as the others tried to open it, I assumed the lock was jammed, but I was too focused on Taylor to try and help.

I held Taylor close to me, trying my best to keep her awake, but then, she told me she felt dizzy and passed out. Not to mention, I myself was starting to feel my fingers become cold and sore. I then heard the door get kicked down, which gave me a chance to get us both out of there, I gently picked Taylor up bridal style and brought her to where the others were. They started to look for anything to warm us up and were also trying to get Taylor to wake up.

Taylor's pov:

I woke up in a much warmer place then I remember. As I looked around, I noticed the others sitting near me, including Ben. We finally got taken out of that god forsaken refrigerator. "Taylor!" I heard Tyler say as he went and hugged me tightly, Ben was still by my side. "Tyler..." I managed to mumble, hugging him back.


At school...

I was in class when I felt a poke on my shoulder, I lifted my head up to notice a note, so I opened it...

I noticed it was from Ben so we exchanged notes for a while until class ended.

The note read...

Ben- Taylor, are you doing okay after yesterday?

Taylor- Mhm, thank you for everything :)

Ben- My pleasure.
Hey, wanna meet after class?

Taylor- Sure! Where do we meet?

Ben- Courtyard?

Taylor- okay! <3

3rd person:

Later, at the courtyard, Taylor met up with Ben. "Hey Ben!" She said happily as she hugged him. They hugged for a while until they ended up having to let go. They soon met up with the others after having their alone time (they probably ended up confessing or something) and they decided to hang out in the arcade for the rest of the day.


(This story is my longest one yet, but it's worth it since it Taylor and Ben 🤞)

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