Back pains

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'I don't wanna think about the morbid parts of life no more.'

Taylor's pov:

As we ran towards the graveyard, I felt a presence getting closer and closer to me, but I tried my best to ignore it. As we passed Ashlyn's house, I felt myself getting grabbed from behind. I instinctively screamed and tried to pry open the phantom's hand(s) from my waist, all while I saw the look of horror on everyone's face. As Tyler rushed to get the weapons, Logan was trying to shoot it but he couldn't get a clear shot. But when Tyler came back, it was too late. That phantom already had slashed me in the back, a pained shriek in response.

Ben's pov:

I turned around to look at Tyler as he ran back with the weapons, but heard a gut wrenching scream. I turned around to look at Taylor once again, this time, she had tears streaming down her cheeks and blood coming from her mouth. I grabbed whatever weapon I could and immediately repeatedly stabbed the phantom who was holding her . As it dropped Taylor, we all went to check up on her and make sure she's okay. She's panting for air and looking up at us, saying 'im fine' even though she clearly isn't. Although her hair almost barely covers it, I can tell it's there, so I gently put her hair aside and look at her back, 3 long, semi-deep scratches on her back. I immediately texted the others to get the medkit so I could help her. I hated hearing her cry, I hate seeing her upset, so hearing her muffled screams and sobs from when I put the cotton swab with alcohol on her wounds made me feel horrible. She was holding onto Tyler's hand as he comforted her with words like 'it's okay' or 'you'll be alright'. Afterwards, I noticed she had a bit of scratches at the end of her spine, so I helped with those as well. When I was done, I took her and carried her towards the graveyard and set her down on one of the seats, making sure her back doesn't touch the back of the seat.
I wake up and notice Aiden isn't in the  bean bag he fell asleep in last night (they were playing games) so I grab my phone and go downstairs to check and sure enough, he's downstairs eating. I go back upstairs and check my phone, noticing the good morning text that Taylor sent me. Me and Taylor always send each other good morning or goodnight texts to make sure we're okay in the morning / night, which I love. I love waking up and seeing that she's texted me. I love the little poems she writes for me in an attempt to imitate me. I love her.
The message read...

Good morning! <3 I hope ur doing well, I wont be in school today because of my back pain from last night and I was wondering if you could excuse me to the teachers if they ask about why im absent, thanks if u can do it! :) Also, thank u for helping me out with my scratches, it means a lot to me! 🫶

As smile crept up my face as I read, but it faded once she mention not going to school today. That's when I got an idea.

Taylor's pov:

As I sat in bed, a heating pad on my back at full heat, I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I used my little energy I had to pry myself off the bed and walk downstairs to my front door, it was normal except the fact that every step I took felt like hell. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Ben here, it's 8am? Should be be in school today?

I looked up at him and scrunched my face in confusion, but I smiled once I fully realized, it's Ben. "Hey Ben! Should you be in school?" I said with a soft smile and he smiled back. 'I skipped school today, Tyler told me you were feeling horrible so I brought you some treats and stuff if you want them, I thought I could help take care of you!' a dumb, lovestruck smile grew on my face as I read. I hugged him tightly and said a quick thank you as I let him inside.

For the rest of the school day and majority of the hours after school, we talked and had fun with each other all while he was helping ease my back pain. From that moment on, I didn't think, but knew that I loved him and that he was the one.



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