High school sweethearts (Valentine's special 🩷)

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'Can we just be honest?
These are the requirements
If you think you can be my one and only true love
You must promise to love me
And damn it, if you fuck me over
I will rip your fucking face apart'


Wednesday, February 14 ❥︎


Ashlyn's pov:

Aiden told me he was going to pick me up, so here I am, getting ready. I took my towel and put it over my head as I started dressing up, I put on a simple outfit since he told me that it wasn't really fancy and that it might.... ruin your clothes...?

Either way,

He also told me to dress up Duchess and Marie? Where is he gonna take us? No idea, who knows what that man is up to. Aaaaanyways, continuing on...


3rd person:


Aiden soon picked them up, obviously Marie was screaming during the entire car ride, what do you expect?


About 5 minutes later, they got to a big park, it was nice and floral, not only that, but it had benches, a fountain, and actually good and trimmed grass! "Aid, you never told me what we were doing?" Ashlyn asks, "Well, Ash, we're gonna have a picnic! I thought we could, y'know, hang out for Valentine's!" He responds happily, taking the carries out from the backseat. Ashlyn smiles slightly, knowing that Aiden remembered that she liked more quiet and peaceful activities than more active or louder ones.


As the cats ran around, Aiden braided Ashlyn's still a bit wet hair and put flowers in it, all while talking about random stuff. This lasted for a good few hours, and with the blink of an eye, they've been out for 5 hours now. The cats were now knocked out cold (asleep NOT LITERALLY 🤨) as Ashlyn and Aiden cuddled in Ashlyn's bed.

"Hey Aiden..?" She asked, wanting to see if he was awake

"Hm..?" He responded and looked up, his gaze tired yet loving.

"Thank you for today.. "

"Awh Ash, of course, and happy valentines, by the way" He smiled sweetly at her, looking up at her as Ashlyn as she played with his unnecessarily soft hair.

"Happy Valentine's Aid.." She smiled back as he stuffed his face back in her chest, both of them falling asleep in each other's embrace.




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