Christmas bonding (#3)

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(Warning: violence, mention of gun)


Ashlyn's pov

As I left the building, I felt myself getting pushed onto the ground by a phantom. I tried to fight back but I couldn't; I was getting strangled by it which made it harder to breathe and fight back. I heard Aiden call my name, reaching for Logan's gun and shooting it out of pure panic. The phantom fell to the floor, but while it fell to the floor, it slashed my face, leaving four long claw marks all the way from my eyebrow to my neck.

Aiden's pov

I took Logan's gun and shot the phantom who was attacking Ashlyn out of pure panic, I thought I saved her from getting hurt until I heard her cries, a wave of guilt rushing over me, I immediately ran to her, kneeling down and seeing her face that had a huge slash all the way from above her eyebrow to her neck, her eyes were filled with tears and she was breathing heavily. I gently cupped her face, inspecting the wound; "Ben, get the first aid kit! NOW" I yell, my voice stern, Ben nods and runs to go get it, Taylor and Tyler were putting flashlights around us, so the phantoms won't get us and Logan was still asleep. "Hey hey hey.. everything's okay... you're okay.." I tell Ashlyn, my voice softening in hopes of comforting her. Soon after, Ben rushes over with the med kit and kneels down to help mend her wound. He takes out a cotton swab, pouring alcohol on it and dabbing it on her, she winces in pain and tears start falling; I offer my hand to her so she can hold it and she takes it, her grip tightening every time he dabs the cotton swab, "Hey, be gentle with her." I tell Ben and he nods, going much more gentler.

Ashlyn's pov

Ben starts to treat my wound, the pain is absolutely unbearable, a few tears of mine escaping from my eyes; Aiden offers his hand for me to hold, and I take it, applying pressure on it every time the cotton swab is pressed onto my scar. A few tears fall from my eyes, but I don't care, all I want is for the pain to go away, my head is throbbing and the alcohol just makes it worse. After Ben helps me, he goes to put on some bandages, and this whole time, Aiden's been saying sweet nothing's to comfort me, which worked in some sort of way. Taylor helps me get back to the gas station so we can stay there since the shift is soon, so I try laying my head on a bench, but it gets uncomfortable. "Hey, you seem uncomfortable, you okay?" Aiden asks me, looking down at me, I nod, "yeah.. my head is uncomfortable.." I say, suddenly, my head gets pulled into someone's lap softly, I look up at Aiden, confused but also surprised. "Sorry, did I cross the line?" He asks, smiling sweetly. I shook my head and I closed my eyes, drifting away while he hums a song he's listening to while we wait for the shift to happen...


I immediately sat on my desk and put my head down, sobbing internally because of the throbbing headache I have right now. I feel a paper ball get thrown on my back, I take it and open it, 'hey, are u feeling okay?' Read the paper, 'no, my head is killing me'
'i have painkillers if ya want'
'yes please'
Aiden then stands up, takes out a bottle of pills and goes to my desk, I take out my water bottle and he gives me a pill, he stands beside me, making sure I drank it. The teacher tells him to sit down and he does, he's still watching me though.


Christmas day...

We get to the ice skating rink, and the other immediately go onto the ice and makes it seem much easier that it actually is, I try my best to not fall, but I fail, falling down. Aiden noticed and decided to help me, we warmed up and were skating in no time

3rd person

Taylor was attempting to skate but she couldn't, falling over a lot.. Ben offered his hand to her, slowly picking her up, they held hands in order for Taylor to not fall over, "Ben.. I'm gonna fall.." she says, her grip tightening on his hands, he shakes his head and they kept practicing until she could stand up on her own and skate on her own, which she was very excited about, until, someone came up to them, it was a little kid.. "mama...?" The kid said while sniffling, this absolutely broke Taylor's heart so she bends down to look at the kid, "hey.. where's your mom or dad..?" She said softly as Ben stared at the two, making sure none of them fall. "I don't know..." The kid responds, more tears falling from his eyes, Taylor offers a hug to the kid and he hugs her, Ben is looking around and finds a woman who looks like the kid but seems very distressed, which caught his attention. He signaled to Taylor for them to follow him and she did, taking the kids hand into her own, making sure he doesn't fall, then, when they get off the ice, the kid runs up to his mother and his mother hugs him back tightly, "thank you two so much, my son wandered off and I couldn't find him, I was so worried he would get hurt! How can I repay you back?" The mom said greatfully, "no it's fine, we were just helping out!" Taylor smiles, and the woman shakes her head "no I insist, how many people are you with? I can buy you slushes.. I know it's not much but it's the least I can do" "we're six people" Taylor giggled, "okay, what flavors do they want?" "Oh, Ben could you tell them if they want slushes and what flavor please?" Taylor looks at him and he nods, going to the others, Tyler and Logan were talking while Aiden and Ashlyn were dancing. Ben came back a few minutes later to tell them the flavor everyone wanted, and the lady bought them, saying a warm goodbye and a thank you and they left. Soon enough, they went to the car, Ashlyn was driving and Aiden was in the passenger seat, Taylor in the middle, Tyler on her left and Ben on her right while Logan was in the back. Taylor was tired so she asked for an earbud from Ben and they listened to music together, all while Taylor was drifting off..


(I know this part has a lot of time skips and I apologize for that- I was just excited to get to the ice skating part, also they are doing the matching thing in the ice skating part, also I added some Taylor and Ben stuff bcuz they're adorable 🫶 also yes, I'm posting this in school)

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