Christmas bonding (#2)

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(Warning: mention of anxiety attack)


Aiden's pov

When I get to my room, I knock on the door and open it, revealing Ash curled up into a ball, her knees on her chest and her head down, she's trying to be quiet but I can still hear her soft and gentle sobs. "Ash.. hey.. what wrong.?" I go up to her, gently putting my hand on her back. She looks away and wipes her tears and looks back at me, shaking her head; "no, I'm fine.." she says, her voice cracking a bit. I get even more worried than I already am, I gently and slowly rub her back, looking at her to see if she would let me.

Ashlyn's pov

He starts rubbing my back slowly and gently, and looks at me, from his expression I can tell he's asking for consent in some way, so I nod. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, just know I'm here.." he says comfortingly, which makes me burst into tears more. He sits down next to me and side hugs me, rubbing my arm and back comfortingly. Eventually, when I calm down, he's still with me and holding me, "Aiden..?" I say, he looks down at me and hums "hm?" "I'm sorry you had to see me like this.." I say, looking up at him, his expression softens a slight bit as he tilts his head just a bit; "there's no need to apologize Ash, everyone has they're up and downs.. I'm glad I was able to help you calm down, and even if I didn't, I'm happy you let me stay with you.." he comforts me and I smile, hugging him. "Thank you..." He hums in response and we stay like that for a while

Taylor's pov

It's been a while since Aiden went to check on Ash, so I open the door a bit just to peek, then, I see Ashlyn cuddled up to Aiden. Obviously, I do the most logical thing ever and take a picture of the scene to show to the others, and I close the door gently.

Ashlyn's pov

When I wake up, I see the group chat getting spammed, Aiden had already left and since I heard the shower turned on, I assumed he was showering and left the room, turning on my phone and unlocking it, checking the messages..



Guys! Look!
Taylor sends a picture of the two cuddling

Aww they're cuddling!

I'm gonna throw up.

Oh please

No wonder why I can't find Aiden anywhere


Hey guys, whatcha talking about?

About how you got caught cuddling with Aiden

Oh! Uhm I can explain--

Don't worry, this stays in the group

Still, anyways, what's everyone up to?

I'm just laying down



Oooh can I join?


Yay thanks! <3

Why did you put a heart at the end.?

I- byeee

What are y'all making?

Brownie cookies
Who wants some?


Count me in



alright, what about Aiden?


Ashlyn could you go ask him

Sure ig

Ashlyn goes back to Aiden's room, knocking on his bathroom door, Aiden opens the door, peeking and opening it fully, he was wearing a sweatshirt with the sleeves rolled up, sweatpants and his hair was wet as if he had just washed it.
"Hey Ash! What's up?" He had his blow-dryer in his hand, "Hey, Ben was asking if you wanted brownie cookies" Ashlyn said, Aiden hummed a little 'mhm' in response. They went down and started eating.

Aiden's pov

Me and Ash go down to eat, she runs and take one from the tray, eating it immediately. I laughed a little bit before taking one for myself, Taylor and Ben were very close which made me think if they were together or not. I nudged Ash so she could see, she immediately smirks and looks at me, whispering to me in my ear; "they're so cute together", I look at her and nod, smiling a bit and looking back at them. Taylor noticed how were staring at them so they include us in they're conversation, all 4 of us talking.


When we get shifted into the other dimension, I look back at where we left off and look back at the others.

A bit later.. "you guys ready?" Ash said, getting her flashlight, collective yes's and nods in response. We leave the gas station, Ashlyn going first in order to find a way to run from the thing that was chasing us, when she does though, she gets tackled by a phantom from the roof...

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