Pool party

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June 6th, Tuesday

It was a pretty hot day, so Ben and Aiden decided to host a small pool party with the main 6 and their parents.


10:16 pm

Hey, I heard you guys wanted to go to the pool

Yes! But Ashlyn doesn't wanna go because of the noise and I don't wanna go without her! :(

You can go, it's fine

I have a better idea
Me and Aiden have been wanting to host a small pool party here at our house but we're not sure yet, that way, Ashlyn can be there with us

Omg yes, what do ya think Ashlyn??



Alright, we need to talk to my aunt though


1 hour later..
11:36 pm

They said yes :)
Everyone's invited btw, and bring your parents if ya can


When is it gonna be?

What about tomorrow at like 12 pm?



Only going if Tay is going, and by the looks of it, she is gonna go.

I'm dragging you with me :)

As expected


Ashlyn's pov

I threw myself onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. * What did I get myself into? I don't even have a swimsuit, my old one is too big on me.... * I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my mom call my name; I got up and went downstairs to check what she needed. "Ashlyn! What do you want for dinner?" My mom asked, turning her head around to look at me. "Uh... I'm not sure... also, could I go to the sore real quick? I have to buy something." She nodded and looked at the clock;

5:26 pm...

"Alright, sure" "thanks mom, love you." I say, heading out the door. I contemplate on wether walking, or driving, but I get a call from Taylor.
"Hey Tay, what's up?" I said as I started walking
"Nothing much, but I need some help, I don't know where my bracelet is!"
"What if I left it in your house?"
"I'm not sure... Wait.. is it a white and gold one.?"
"Oh, well I have it stored in my room since I didn't know who's it was"
"Omg thanks! You just saved me from having a melt down"
"Mhm, what are you doing right now?"
"Oh, I'm just eating some cookies that I brought from your house"
"Those cookies were really good, I'm surprised you didn't burn them" I joked
"Oh hush!" She says while laughing
I laugh back

I didn't realize that I was already at the store, so I went in, still talking with Taylor and I went straight to the swimsuit aisle (that's a lie, she went to the Halloween aisles first.)


I woke up to the of ringing from my phone, a video call from the group chat, I turned on my phone and joined the call, I was still half asleep and groggy so I wasn't talking, I just stayed quiet while hearing the others talk and looking at them too. I was falling asleep until I heard someone call my name. "Ash, you still haven't woken up?" Asks Aiden, I shook my head and hid my face a bit, opening one of my eyes, the other closed and hidden on my pillow. Taylor laughed, "She looks really tired" she says, elongating 'tired', A few others laugh and they keep talking, eventually, they leave to go get ready and it's just me and Aiden, I fell asleep and since my camera turned off because my finger accidentally touched it when I fell asleep, he turned his off as well and since it turned into a normal voice call, he didint leave the call until I woke up, at like 10:15 I woke up and noticed Aiden still on call with me, "Aiden..?" I say, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah?" He answered almost immediately, "Did you stay on call.. the entire time..?" I say, sitting up. "Yeah, you were really tired so we let you sleep" he says, and I tilt my head a bit, "why?" "Why not?--" He says happily "--sleep calling is fun" he adds as I stand up. "Well.. thanks.." a small smile appears on my face, happy he decided to stay with me while I slept. "Of course!" He says, still enthusiastic. "I'm gonna go get ready, alright?" "Mkay, bye!" he says, "bye bye" I say, ending the call. I felt weird, it felt good but.. different, * what is this feeling..? * I say, I brush it off though and start getting ready. When I'm done, I go downstairs to get my braids done, when I look up from the floor, I see Taylor and Tyler. Taylor runs up to me, "Hey!" "Hey, why are you here? Did something happen?" I ask, slightly confused, "oh, your parents let me in because we wanted to pick you guys up!" Taylor said excitedly. "Oh, did I take too long?" She asks as she goes towards her parents room. "Nope, we got here a few minutes ago" Ashlyn nods and goes to her mom so she can do her hair.


Ben comes out to greet everyone, he points towards the pool, which is seen from the glass windows. When they get to the pool, Ashlyn gets hugged tightly from behind by Aiden, "Hey Ash!" He said happily, Ashlyn winced a bit but let him, not wanting to ruin his mood, "hello Aiden, you seem excited" Ashlyn slightly chuckles and Aiden nods. "I'm glad you came, that's all!" Ashlyn started smiling softly unconsciously, Aiden let go and offered his hand to her, "wanna go to the jacuzzi? Everyone else is there" Ashlyn looks around and realizes that everybody indeed did leave, she nods and takes his hand. They run (Ashlyn gets dragged better said) and go to the jacuzzi.

When they get in, they all stay there for a good 15-20 minutes. "Guys, wanna head to the pool?" Ben writes on his phone and the others agree, half of them jump into the pool, while the others take their time, Ashlyn and Taylor were at the edge talking, Taylor soon jumped in too and it was just Ashlyn left. She stayed there for a good while until she got jumpscared by Aiden, "aren't you gonna get in?" He says, tilting his head slightly, "yeah-" she gets cut off by Aiden pulling her in the pool. She grips onto Aiden and uses him as a lifeguard, "Aiden this waters fucking cold!" She yells at him as he laughs, carrying her. "Calm down! Your gonna sink us!" Aiden says as he holds onto the edge so they won't sink. Ashlyn calms down but she's still clinged onto Aiden. Aiden yells at Ben to bring a floaty, and puts Ashlyn on it. "Why do I have to be on a floaty" she says, glaring down at Aiden as he laughed, "because I can't have you clinging onto me like a cat who doesn't wanna take a bath!" He jokes and they laugh.


8:40 pm

It's now 8pm and everyone got out and dried themselves off, now they're inside, talking and having fun; Aiden's mom walked past and saw Aiden's back was all red and scratched up, "Aiden, why is your back all red and scratched up!?" "Huh? Is it?" He says, looking up at his mom, Ashlyn tries holding her laughter. "Oh, that was Ashlyn, she was clinging onto me like a cat who doesn't want to take a bath because the water was cold, but in the end, I did drag her in so" he explains, his mom giving him a 'are you serious' "I'll admit, it is a bit funny" Aiden's mom admits, making everyone laugh.


(This might be the longest one shot I've done! I had and am having a lot of fun writing it ! 🫶)

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