"Mom... we got banned from Walmart.."

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Meow meow, I ain't telling you 🤨
(Requested by: WeirdWriter79)


The group needed to go buy stuff for a school project, so what store is better than Walmart! Emma dropped them off, saying she would pick them up after 30 minutes. The group walked in, the difference between the hot weather and the cold air is surprisingly noticable. "Oh my god!! The spring section!!" Taylor exclaimed as she took the two people closest to her (Ben and Logan) and dragged them along to go see the Easter stuff. Tyler went out to go get the things they actually mean to get, leaving Aiden and Ashlyn alone. "So, uh.. where'd you wanna go? You told me you wanted to get stuff for the thing we wanted to do." Ashlyn said, turning her head over to Aiden. "Oh, yeah, right! So uh... Over there!" He points over to the arts & crafts section.


Taylor's pov:

I dragged the two closest people over to the Easter section with me, not even bothering to look at who it was. "EEEK! Look at this! Bluey plushies!!" I sounded like Lily right now, but I don't care. I heard a soft chuckle from behind me, so I looked to see Ben. I knew I dragged Logan, but he probably escaped. What a rat.. 😒 Anyways, me and Ben kept looking at stuff but nothing really caught my eye except the bluey plush. I tugged his shirt sleeve to get his attention, pointing towards the 'late valentines' section since I was something that caught my attention. We went over and I looked up at the candy bats (y'know those candy cane looking bats that are filled with chocolate or smth, that. I forgot how it's said in English 😞)

I tried to reach one to show him it, but couldn't reach. I guess he read my mind or something since he picks up the exact same one and hands it to me. I just stay there, dumbfounded at how easily he got to pick that up from the top shelf. I smile and take it, looking at it since that was my original intention. We have this comfortable silence going on between us, I then show him the fact it has our favorite chocolates in it. He gives me a smile and nods, ruffling my hair slightly. He tells me to follow him and I put the cane back in the nearest shelf and ran over to him.


Tyler's pov:

My sister dragged Ben and Logan, and I know Aiden and Ashlyn won't do shit to buy anything, so I'm on the duties. I'm reaching for something until I feel someone tap my shoulder, it's Logan. "Oh, hey Logan. Did ya manage to escape Tay?"  He laughs as a smile grows on my face. "Yeah, somehow." We keep buying stuff until we reach the ice cream aisles. Oh no. "Ty! Look!" Logan says, they seem to have brought back his favorite flavor since he's super excited. "Are you gonna buy it?" I ask, giving a small smile. He shakes his head no, I give him a 'why not?' look and he just shrugs, "Didn't bring my wallet"

"I'll pay for it, get it."
"Yes really, cmon, let's go save Ben from his misery with Tay."

He smiles and picks up his ice cream excitedly, catching up with me and the shopping cart.


Ashlyn's pov:

I got dragged into the Lego section with Aiden, he's now looking at a big Lego box, telling me how he already has them and ect. Honestly, I'm not really listening, but admiring him. He kinda looks.. well.. how do I say this, uh... Cute.? I guess..

His little rambles of all the times he's built Lego pieces and his happiness honestly makes my heart melt. "Okay, okay. We should probably catch up with the others, they're probably already done." I say, putting my hand on his back and rubbing it. "Awh, okay!" He says, taking my hand as we rush over towards where we first were. When we get there, no one is there so we assume that we finished early. Suddenly, I feel hands wrap around my waist and someone rest their head on my shoulder. Aiden pulls me a bit closer as he hugs me, he then whispers into my ear,

"I love you, Ash.."
"I love you too, Aid.."

I say as I grab one of his hands and kiss it gently. I never expected myself to be doing this, but here I am, and I wouldn't change it for the world.


In the distance, we see Taylor holding a plush with one of those candy cane with chocolates on them, along with Ben guiding her by putting a hand on her back since she can barely see from how big the plush is, alongside Tyler and Logan. "Ya guys done?" They all agree.  My mom comes to pick us up and drops all of us off.


I plop down on my bed, watching the group chat fill with messages, here we go again.



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