The show

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Ashlyn's ballet studio decides to have a show and Ashlyn plays the main role, her friends wanted to be supportive, so they decide to try and buy tickets, but they run out before they can get them. Until, Aiden announces he got front row tickets for everyone to see Ashlyn dance.


Guys guess what!


You seem excited

Yeah because I got the main role for my next show!

Woah, congrats Ash!

Omg congratss


Good job! Ik u were practicing a lot for this


When's the show?


Ohh alright
Your show is ______ right?

Yeah, why?

No reason

Hm alright then, we should get ready for school

Thursday, August 24th
The day of Ashlyn's show, she has been really nervous, but she brushes it off and keeps practicing. She has always had this rival that likes to make her fail, so her worries are mostly focused on that, she is now performing, everything is going smoothly, but near the end, the girl pushes her, making Ashlyn fall. The worst part is that Ashlyn can't get back up, her ankle throbs in pain as she's fighting with the girl, her coach comes out to help her, and she eliminates the girl from the team, in front of everyone.


Ashlyn was sat down on a chair, she was sobbing, she couldn't believe that happened to her, infront of everyone... That's until Aiden came rushing along with Taylor, 'hey hey hey, you doing okay? Is your ankle okay?" Aiden says panicked, he hates seeing her cry or in pain, so this was just worse. She sobbed even harder, she was embarrassed and in pain, the worst combo to ever happen. "Calm down Ash... are you okay.?" "I just embarrassed myself in front of everyone...!" She says, sobbing. Aiden shook his head, "it's not your fault, it was so obvious that girl pushed you... so don't worry, let's focus on your ankle, alright? I'm gonna touch your ankle and tell me if it hurts, and if it's too much then push me away" he says and Ashlyn nodded. He gently touches around her ankle, until he reaches the stop where it hurts the most, she winces in pain, he then presses a bit harder on it to make sure and she pushes his head away; "Okay okay sorry, your ankle is sprained, might want to go check that out" Ashlyn's eyes water more, "what about my ballet classes...?" "You're not going to be able to do ballet for a while, Ash" he gently cups her cheek with his hand, and she starts crying a bit "but I'm going to get kicked out if I don't go.." she says, Aiden slightly chuckles and shakes his head, "love... (term of endearment) you have an excuse to not go... you'll be fine..." Taylor goes closer and all 3 of them start talking, trying to distract Ashlyn from what's happening, and it worked, she was feeling much better. Later, her mom came rushing in, "Ash! What happened.!?" She hugged her and Ashlyn hugged back. "I got sabotaged by someone..." Emma looked infuriated; "What!? Someone sabotaged you?!" She says, and Ashlyn nodded. Aiden then told Emma about her ankle and that it's sprained. 


A few weeks later, Ashlyn could finally get back to school, but, she was limping since her ankle wasn't fully healed. When she was walking through the hallways, she saw her rival in the hallway, obviously, she slightly hid behind the others, still keeping her head high. Her rival on the other hand, saw her talking with her group, so she went towards Ashlyn, nudging her slightly. Ashlyn glared back at her, not saying anything.

It stayed like that for a few weeks, until Armine, the girl, decided to take it too far just for all for a bet. Armine went up to Ashlyn and when no one was looking, pinned her head down on the table, holding her down. As Armine laughed, Ashlyn struggled to get out of grip so she couldn't do anything; as she was trying to get Armine off her, she heard Armine screech and a thud right after. When she realized her head was finally unpinned, she looked back and saw Armine pinned to the wall by Ben, who was furious. Aiden soon tried taking Ben off her so he wouldn't hurt me, but he pushed everyone away, until Taylor came, Taylor managed to get Ben off her easily, as Armine glared at them. "Why'd you do that?" Ashlyn told Armine, but she just scoffed and walked away. "Wow, what a great answer..." Ashlyn told herself sarcastically.

Naturally, Armine kept bugging Ashlyn, but only when she was alone.

Ashlyn walked past Armine and accidentally overheard her conversation, "ugh, that Ashlyn girl always is with her little group, can't even start with the freak, Aiden, he's always smiling and stuff,--" Ashlyn grew ballistic upon hearing her talk about them like that, so she went to Armine and confronted her, but Armine started fighting back, at this point, a crowd formed along the hallway. Armine said something that made Ashlyn have enough, Ashlyn slapped Armine. Armine was naturally raged, so she kept saying things to Ashlyn, which enraged her more. 4 people were required to hold Ashlyn back, but they failed. Ashlyn got out of their grip and she slammed Armine's head onto the locker, turning away and leaving.

"Hey, sorry I was late" Ashlyn spoke as she took a seat on their table, collective no worries and it's okay's were heard, and they started talking. Until the principal barged in and came towards Ashlyn, "Mrs, Banner." "Excuse me?" Said Ashlyn, "I'm not Banner, miss" Ashlyn said, her excuse seemed dumb. "Oh really?" "Mhm, I'm Clark not Banner" she said, glaring at Aiden and Ben since it was the first last name she thought of. "You guys are siblings?" "No..? We just have the same last name" Ashlyn hesitated, but found a way to keep lying to the principal to not get into trouble, and it worked.
For the rest of the school year, she got away with it, and every time she told that story, it would get a little laugh out of her friends.


(This took longer than expected 😭)

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