The garden of promises

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'"Pinky promise, I'll still love your
"Even with no flowers?"
"Even with no flowers."'

Logan scrolled through Instagram, bored out of his head. Him and the group were originally going to hang out together, but no one could end up going. Taylor ended up sick, Ben left to help Taylor, leaving Aiden and Ashlyn, which they were going to get vaccinated (Aiden was, Ashlyn was just there for company) and Tyler wasn't going to go originally. He shrugged it off and kept scrolling, a reel that included a beautiful flower garden popped up on his screen and he just couldn't bare to scroll away. The roses a bright red, the tulips a beautiful light yellow, the hydrangeas in a soft blue,, or teal? Whichever. It was beautiful, was all he knew. He wished he could go there with someone... That's when he got an idea.


"A garden? Really?" Tyler crossed his arms as he looked up at the sign, the name of the garden in bold letters. Logan nodded in excitement, dragging Tyler over towards the main fountain, which was right in front of the entrance. Logan then plucked one of the flowers from the garden's hedges and proceeded to put some in Tyler's hair. "Do we really need to do this?" Tyler said as he slightly looked up at Logan. "No, I just want to" he smiled. Taking Tyler's hand, Logan led him through the garden and showed him and told him all about each flower. To Tyler's surprise, he actually enjoyed it a bunch and ended up taking pictures, which he ended up posting when he got home.


With Ben and Taylor

"Hm..? Tyler posted something.." she said with a little sniffle, her sentence slowly fading into a quieter tone. Her tired demeanor soon turned into one of excitement; "OMG TYLER AND LOGAN ARE TOGETHER!?" she yelled, startling Ben. He gently pushed her back in bed and gave her a look. "Sorryyy... But they're so cute together! It's so obvious they like each other!" She says, showing Ben the photo, which gets a small nod in agreement as he starts playing with her hair gently as he continues to watch whatever Taylor is watching.



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