There are other ways

862 11 22

'Maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more
Or maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer more.'
('The odyssey' au)


He felt himself walking around the temple, finding a room that seemed to be a bedroom... Someone was inhabiting here? He slightly pulled out his sword, ready to fight whatever-- or whoever-- it was that lived here.

"Mortal, welcome." The voice of a woman was heard as he took steps in. Drawing his sword, he turned around, "Who are you? Where are you?"
"Behind you, Aiden."

He took a quick glance behind him, seeing a woman sitting on a bed.

"How do you know my name!?"

"How would I not? You're one of the best fighters in your crew. Not to mention you stood up to Athena, that was badass." The woman spoke, standing up. She was shorter than him and had her hair up in a ponytail, a purple gown with a vintage type pink robe.

"Who are you..?"

"Ashlyn, if you please. I've seen your work.. you're impressive."

"..." He just stayed quiet, looking around the place.

"Too bad you didn't join your men.."

He turned around, looking at her. She had a smug grin on her face. "You... You were the one who tricked them!"

"You've got that right~!"
She circled around him until she was almost in front of him.

"Hm, why don't you.. come along with me?"


His sword was drawn, glaring at her.

"Why not, Aiden? Haven't your parents taught you manners?"

"Yes.--" he paused, "--And they taught me not to trust everyone so quickly, like my men did."

"What a well educated king." She'd chuckle softly, walking away.

'My chance!' Aiden thought as he went towards the door.

"Leaving so soon?" Ashlyn replied, her head turned with the same smug smirk.

"Yes, and for the record, don't try to persuade me to stay, I know your tricks." He spoke up, looking at her.

"Oh but I wasn't even done.."

"What do you mean..? I'm not staying here by you annoying me."

"There are other ways of persuasion.."

She'd walk towards him, slipping her robe off ever so slightly.

"There are other modes of control."

She slips her robe off fully, letting it fall to the ground.

"There are other means to deceit, there are other roads to the soul.."

A toxic aura lounged around in the air as she got closer, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Want to save your men from the fire? Show me that you're willing to burn."


"Who's to say with the mistakes I've made.." ("Don't be afraid..")

"That they will be the last mistakes I ever make?" ("Think of your past, don't break when there is so much power..")

But there's no puppet here

She lead him to the bed, slowly getting on top of him.

"This is the price we pay to love" ("I'm just a man..")

"There is no line, never enough.." ("I'm just a man..")

"So much power, so much power.. but there's no puppet here.."

She'd get closer, but when Aiden pulled away, she was stunned. Her spells didn't work?

"I can't! I need to get my crew home, and the god of tides is out to end my life.. so I beg you, grant us mercy..."

He'd try to walk away, getting cut off by seeing Ashlyn sitting up and speaking up.

"There might be a way to eveade him, there might be a way to get home.. though, this way is very dangerous, it might be your final hope.."

She stood up and proceeded to tell him about a "brilliant prophet", problem is, he was dead. "I can't get you home, but I'll send you to the underworld instead."

She went towards her podium like loft.

"Wait, you're.. helping us..?"

"There are many ways of persuasion, there are many modes of control, maybe showing one act of kindness leads kinder roads to the soul.."

A pink-ish light surrounded them, Aiden was mesmerized by it, to say the least.

"Maybe one day, the world wont need a puppeteer no more.. or maybe one the day the world will need a puppeteer more.."

The light flickered off.

"Go on mortal, I'll be here. You did well."

That was the last he heard of her before the room became cold and dusty. He then left the temple, his crew back to normal and, now, a new goal: the underworld.



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