Nyan cat theme

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'Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.'

Aiden and Ashlyn had been together for well over a few months, not once have they truly fought, sure, they fought over dumb things but nothing serious, but today, it got a little too heated.

"Why are you being so stubborn, just let me help you!?"

"I'M stubborn? Imagine having to deal with you getting multiple injuries every night because all you do is be childish and take nothing seriously which-- by the way, gets annoying-- and wasting valuable material instead of actually finding a way to get out!"

"That's it, I'm done, I can't do anything with your bossy ass!"

"Me? Bossy? Well maybe if you--"

"We're done, one more word and we're done."



He just glared at her.

"No no, Aiden we need to talk--"

"We can't talk with your anger in the way, it's just gonna keep stopping up from doing so."

"I can talk, it's just I can't stand the yelling"

"Well maybe it would be wiser to put on your headphones!"


"I'm leaving."

"Wait- no, no, Aiden! Hey, we can--"



As she dries the hot tears coming from her eyes, she stands up, going to pick up her phone to see if by any chance, he answers. He has not yet, he just left her on seen. 'Maybe later in the phantom dimension..' she convinced herself, wanting to talk to him and talk through it.


Later, in the phantom dimension...

"I don't know, Tay... I mean.. I'm pretty upset, I miss her but.. she's always stubborn and never lets loose.."

"But, you are never taking things serious either.. she's just worried about you, trust me."

"But how though.. she didn't even try to stop me from leaving.."

"did you let her though?"


"What I'm saying is, did you give her time to react?"

"I guess not.."

"I'm just saying, Aiden.. you should go talk to her."


"Good, now, I'm gonna go train with Ty and Logan."

She walked away, leaving Aiden to go find Ashlyn. He knew where she could be, the bus. It's quiet, away from phantoms, and overall a calming place.



She stood up from the seat, facing him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just walked out like that without letting you explain..--"

"No, it's my fault. I can't be so controlling.. and I also have to be careful with my words.. I'm just.. not good at them.. I guess..?"

"Hey, it's okay, Ash. Should we talk later in the night after the switch?"


Aiden hugged Ashlyn, receiving a hug back.

"I missed you, Ash.."

"I missed you too, Aiden.."


(I bet I bamboozled you with that title ;)  )

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