Fist fights

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Tyler and Ben end up fighting in the shadow dimension, what happens next?



Hey guys


Hey Ash :)


What are y'all doing?

Just got back from ballet class

Listening to music

Nothing much

On a walk

Be careful Aiden

I will dw Ashy

Don't ever call me that again

Fine, Ash


Taylor fell asleep..

How tf do u know

Because I'm with her right now, and she just fell asleep


It's raining, Aiden

Ik, why tell me?

Go back to ur house, your gonna get sick

I'm too far away

Then stop at someone's house ig?

Open ur window, Ash pls


Ashlyn went to her room and checks her window, seeing a drenched Aiden waiting. She goes and opens the window, helping Aiden get in without slipping, "God Aiden, you're drenched.. let me get you a towel" Ashlyn says as she goes to get a spare towel for Aiden to dry himself off. She comes back with a towel and hands it to Aiden. He takes it and dries himself and his hair, "what about my clothes?" He says jokingly, Ashlyn thinks for a second and she runs to go get stuff, thinking he was being serious, when she comes back, she comes back with a hoodie and pants, "The hoodie is yours so it fits but Im not sure about the pants, these were too big on me so if they fit you, you could keep them since I can't wear them" Ashlyn says, handing him the clothes and he takes them, leaving to go change in her bathroom...

A few hours later, in the phantom dimension, they hang out in the graveyard, not knowing what to do for the night, until Tyler and Ben got into a fight, Tyler apparently said that Ben's idea was stupid and that if he wanted them to die or something, and that's when it started..

Ashlyn's pov
I'm talking with Taylor and Aiden, until suddenly, I hear.. fighting..? The others don't seem to hear it, so I speak up, "guys.. I hear fighting..?" Ashlyn spoke up, but they couldn't hear me so I stood up and went to check on them, they were fighting, yelling fairly loudly, I was trying to calm them down but Tyler just pushed me away, they kept fighting but I just didn't know. Soon then, it became physical.. I tried to stop them again but ended up getting smacked in the face, hard, to the point where my nose began bleeding, so I stepped back and went to get the others. "Guys! There's a fist fight going on between Ben and Tyler!" Taylor stood up and rushed over, while Aiden stopped dead in his tracks, "Who did this to you!? What happened!?" "Dosent matter now! Let's just stop them before anything else happens!" Aiden nods and follows her, Aiden holds Ben back as he calms down and Taylor sat Tyler down so he would calm down. When everyone calmed down, Taylor patched them 4 up (Aiden got hurt while trying to get them to stop) and everything was okay, the next day at school, they apologized to each other and made it up to the others by taking them to go eat ice cream.


(This is a little short story with half the words that I normally write, but i just thought that this story trope would be good to write with, so here's a lil bonus before I start to do the next (longer) one shot❣)

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