heartbreak at its finest, or so they thought

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RIIIICOLA ‼️‼️‼️‼️ (iykyk)
no phantom dimension for this ;3

It was a peaceful evening for Aiden and Ashlyn, they were cuddled up in the bus, enjoying the peaceful and not awkward silence. Ashlyn laid her head on Aiden's shoulder as she colored, her headphones in as she listened to music. But, there was something she was yet to know.

Aiden's pov:

I have to tell Ash about it.. i have less than a week and I don't want her to worry.., but if I don't tell her it'll be worse. Either way, they will both have negative results so lets just get it over with.

"Hey, Ash..?" I felt her head perk up at my words.

"yes?" she says, taking out a headphone as she relaxed her hand from coloring.

"I have something to tell you and uh.. i don't think you'll take it that well."

"What? Aiden, what do you mean.." she starts to get visibly worried.

"I'm moving."

I saw that her eyes began to water and her shocked expression stayed, but no words came out of her barely open mouth, until..

"You're kidding.. right..? No no.. you can't..! I-.."

"I'm sorry, Ash.." I hugged her as she calmed down. Saying I felt bad was an understatement. Not only did I make friends-- best friends, even-- she would be losing one of the friendships she'd been working so hard for. She had finally found someone to be her-- "High school sweetheart" -- as she jokes-- But it just ended like this? Sure, we could do long distance, but we wouldn't be able to hold each other anymore, or any of the other lovey dovey stuff couples do. I'd rather get stuck in some random dimension with monsters than not see her.

Why does it have to be like this.


Its going to be two days before i leave, when i hear a knock on my door. I see my mom, and she has a pleased look on her face. "Can i come in, dear..?" "yeah, of course.". She then told me some of the best news ever.

"Me and your father decided to stay, we saw how upset you were, and also the difference in behavior in Ashlyn, poor girl.." She muttered the last bit.

"Really!?" I said excitedly as she nodded. I jumped up and hugged her, thanking her about a million times. I have to tell Ash about this!


3rd person:

"And then, that's how your father almost moved for the 6th time." Ashlyn said as she kissed her daughter on the cheek. That's when Aiden came through the door, seeming to finally come out of work.

"Papa!" She ran to Aiden as he picked her up and spun her around.

"There are my precious girls!" He said happily as he went to Ashlyn and gave her a kiss.

"So.. who wants to get ice cream?" He said, remembering how he overhead his daughter say she wanted some in the morning.

"Me!" She says excitedly as Ashlyn just shook her head and laughed.

"You two are the same, i swear.."

"Well, how about we have one that's like you?" He teased, receiving a nudge from Ashlyn. "oh shut it!" She said before hugging him and her daughter.

Aiden's glad he never left, and so was Ashlyn; because if he did, this beautiful moment would've never happened.



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