Confetti eggs for all :3 (Easter special 🐣)

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'hoppity hop hop bitches'

"And.. that's the last of it! Eeek!" She turned the mirror around.

"Thanks" I give Taylor a slight smile as she starts getting ready to do Aiden's makeup. She decided that she wanted to give everyone little designs that represented Easter in a way. Tyler's was a chick, Logan had little bunnies, Ben was a bunny, Taylor was also a bunny, and mine seemed to be those designs you see on little eggs, I assumed Aiden's too.

"There! You stayed surprisingly still" She said, both of them laughing. "Can we get going? The parents are waiting"
"Yes yes, calm down, Ty" Taylor stated, getting her makeup bag.


Taylor decided to bring Dante, so I asked Aiden to bring Duchess and Marie since it was his turn. Now, we were getting the pets out of the carriers/backseat.

"Duchess and Marie seem so calm, aren't they indoors?" Logan asked as her took Duchess's harness and leash as I put Marie's on. "They go out a lot, Aiden takes them out to either here or some other fun place. I try but I never really can other than the park." I explain, giving Marie to him and taking the harness and leash.

"Ohh, no wonder. They're really beautiful cats, you found them on the streets?"

"Surprisingly, we didn't know that Duchess was pregnant.."

"I could tell, you started bawling on call and also begging for Aiden to come over and help out, I remember"

We laughed, "I was scared, okay!?" I nudge him as we took Marie and Duchess and put them to the floor.


Everything went well, the pets played, we had a small picnic, and had a confetti egg fight, which was really fun. Now, I'm in bed, hugging a sleepy Aiden for his daily late night visit. I started to get sleepy, my eyes heavy and my body relaxing much more. I soon drifted off to sleep, Duchess and Marie joining in later on for a little family cuddle session.


(I eat, breathe, and love Duchess and Marie. 👏 ALSO HAPPY EASTER (early, late, idk 😭) ‼️💥🌮🐣)

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