Pretzel mode

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"Question is, do people really get entertained by someone going pretzel mode?"

Band! AU !!

It was a normal afternoon (as normal as it could get with the phantom dimension), you'd think everything is peaceful, right? Wrong, chaos ensues every second.

"I need coffee..." Taylor said, her face buried into the pillow she originally had on her lap, which was now on the coffee table. "We all do." Tyler replied as he fixed the guitar strings. Soon, Ashlyn walked in, coffee in hand and a bag in the other. "I brought coffee" she spoke, setting her bag down. "COFFEE" Taylor shot her head up as Aiden entered, 4 more coffees in hand. Ashlyn sets her and Aiden's coffees down to help Aiden hand out the coffees.

"So, any ideas yet?"
"Not really, I was too tired.."
"You could ask Ben, maybe he has an idea?"
"True, but we have to go soon" Taylor replied as she closed her notebook and put it in her bag along with her pen. "Oh also, Ash brought your outfit" Aiden flicked her arm as he went to get it for Taylor "Hey!" She laughed as she took the outfit and went to change.

During the show, Aiden kept bickering with Tyler, causing Taylor to have to wack them with the microphone. Ashlyn's hair got undone, causing her hair to tangle with her ankle, leaving her with a slightly sprained ankle. At the end of the show, Taylor called out Tyler and Logan for gossiping mid concert, which resulted in Aiden joining in. It was chaos.

"How's your ankle Ash?" Aiden peered over the backseat to look at Ashlyn, "oh, it's a bit better now.."
"Why did you decide to dance for the show?" "Because I could, plus I'm good at it, so suck it up" "Question is, do people really get entertained by someone going pretzel mode?" Tyler said, laughing as he riled up Ashlyn. "OH NO YOU DIDN'T-"

Let's just say, it ended with Aiden and Ashlyn destroying Tyler.

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