Kisses & blood

825 10 14

 What to do when your favorite person gets injured?


They're about 6 hours into the phantom dimension, and everything's been going smoothly. For now. 

"Ashlyn, could you get the chips? You're the closest." Tyler spoke up, reaching over as he blocked a few views of the movie. "If you move your arm, then maybe, just maybe, --" She yanked his arm away, continuing her sentence. "--then yeah, I can." She sat up, getting some chips and throwing them to Tyler.


Just as the movie was going to end, Ashlyn started hearing phantom noises, which was odd considering the lights and 13ft wall surrounding the bus graveyard. Curious, she told everyone she was going outside to get some fresh air so she could go investigate the noise. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go out and get some fresh air." She walked out, leaving some curious, and some even worried. But they all shrugged it off since they had the wall and lights.

She walked to where the noise was, her crowbar in hand for in case she needed to attack or defend herself, and peeked over behind one of the busses.


The phantom was on the ground in almost an instant. Ashlyn's attack was fast, but too slow to conquer the phantom's attack. She took her hand, covering her forehead where the phantom had clawed her at, and silently cursed to herself for not being fast enough. She then heard another one, and when she looked, there was about 3 more standing in front of a-- somehow-- open door. Must've been that when they had entered, the door didn't close fully, causing a perfect opening and chance for phantoms to go right on in. Because of her crowbar being on the other side, she resorted to trying to hide behind the front of the bus. 

She then rolled over but got interrupted by bumping into something hard-- or maybe..., someone. 

She whipped her head around and was going to scream when she saw a hint of black, but a hand covered her mouth before she could get a word out. 

"Hey, hey... it's just me, don't worry..." 


She could recognize his voice anywhere. "Oh..., thank god... it's just you... what're you doing out here? Why aren't you in the bus with the others?" She started asking him. "I'm out here because I knew you were up to something. Why didn't you tell us you heard phantom noises, Ash? You could've gotten hurt if you lost your weapon-- which you did." He whispers to her, moving her over towards him ever so slightly. That's when he sees the blood from her wound dripping down towards her nose. "Uhm... about that..." She says awkwardly, smiling softly to try and make the situation better. (Keyword; try.) 



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