"Stupid snapdragons." (follow up)

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'Ashes, ashes, time to go down.
Ooh, honey do you want me now?'
(Follow up to makiinee's one shot; "Stupid snapdragons.".)

Stupid snapdragons.

Aiden laid there, face up on his bed, waiting. Just as he coughed again, blood spewed out, and the door opened. He snapped his head towards the sound of the door, it was Ben. He knew. He knows. Shit.


Ashlyn's pov

I stayed waiting for Aiden to call or text-- hell, maybe he would come over as always... I wish he did, honestly. Wait- what am I saying..? Whatever. I was going to get up to get some water, but right before I could, Ben texted me. Ambulance? Come over? What.?



Call an ambulance and send it over here
Come over you as well


I don't get it.


It's Aiden, he isn't doing well.


I ran to get my coat and shoes, I don't care if I was in my pajamas, and ran to Aiden's while calling an ambulance.

Is he okay?

Will he be okay?

When I got there, I saw him getting taken away in a stretcher.

No no no no no no..

This can't be happening..?

He can't die!

I ran to him, he was still conscious. "Aiden!" I said as he tiredly and gently smiled at me, "You came.." "Of course I did.. Are you okay..?" He nods. They then proceeded to take him away, Mrs. Clark offered to take me with them, which I accepted.


Aiden's pov

I've recovered from it? But how? Could it be...?
No no, it was probably a miracle or something. (Stop gaslighting yourself, Aiden.)

I heard the door open and close, Ben had already come to visit me, and it wasn't a nurse. I looked over and I was happy too see Ashlyn there. She went beside my bed, looked at me, and then hugged me.

Ashlyn Banner hugging me? Yes please!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

"I'm sorry I never want to check up... I just thought you wanted alone time.. and--"

"It's okay, Ash." I cut her off, giving her a smile. "I should've said something as well."

We stayed hugging for a while until she told me she had to go since her parents came to pick her up.

"Awh do you really have to go..?"

"Yes, Aid. Your gonna be discharged soon anyways" she laughed as she got her bag.

"See you later" she waved.

"See ya, Ash"

Does she actually like me back? Hm... Wait- no, leave the questions for later. I'm just happy to be able to be here and know her.



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