Nurse's office

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'Don't cut me, punch me, just let me go;
Into the nurse's office where I float away.'
(Requested by: Deniz0093)


Ashlyn's pov

I got sick at possibly the worst time. I had a show to do in about a week and I didn't even know whether I could make it or not. What a great start to the week...

I layed in bed, a blanket wrapped around myself in hopes of taming the cold surrounding my body. I felt my phone buzz, so I picked it up and saw Aiden texted me.


Psycho <3

Heya Ash! Where are you? Me and the group have been looking everywhere for you


I'm not going

Psycho <3



Because I'm sick

Psycho <3

With what? How??


That's what I wanna know as well

Psycho <3

Oh damn :(
Well I'll see you later?




Wait... We have nothing planned later? Even if we do I'm not going? Eh, whatever. Probably a habit of his since we always meet up with the group.


Time skip


It was now 4pm and I was going to take a nap because of how tired I was. Midway whilst falling asleep, I hear a knock on my window.... "Aiden!?" I say in a croaky voice, whisper yelling. "Hey Ash, I brought you some stuff" He said, handing me a bag. I look down at it and take it, looking back up at him before walking over to my bed and plopping myself onto it. He then propped himself on my bed as well, facing me. "Soooo I bought you your favorite snacks, I also brought a heated jacket I had just in case." He said, shrugging at the end. I'm speechless.. he bought all this.. for me...? "I-.. wow, thank you Aiden, I appreciate it." I said with a small smile, my voice still a bit croaked.


We watched a movie and now, we're just cuddling in my bed, waiting for me to fall asleep. "Are you sure you're okay with this..? I don't wanna get you sick, y'know."

"Yeah, but it's you. So I don't mind."
He smiled

"Wow, your relentless."

"Mhm, sure I am. Now, go to sleep Ash." He says sarcastically, fixing the heated jacket to cover me better.

Hm, I guess being sick isn't that bad.


(I might not be able to post as much due to exams, I'm so sorry! 🫶)

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