Kisses and blood (#2)

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Who knew that comfort would be so sweet, yet so bitter?


"Oh, Ash... Let me take care of the phantoms and I'll get back to you, kay?" Aiden responds, wiping his finger on the trickling blood that runs down my temple till my neck. I nod and watch him fight the phantoms. I stood up in case he would need help, but I felt a bit weak. Probably because I haven't slept in weeks. Neither of us have.

I watch him from afar, stabbing the last phantom after kneeing it in its abdomen. "C'mon, we should find a way to barricade the door." 

"Ash, you could have a possible concussion right now, we need to treat you. At least a little band-aid!" He has his signature grin, but I could tell he's just trying to look out for me and help me. 

"If we don't barricade it, more might get in and end up hurting all of us."

"Fine, whatever" He started running to the door as I walked. He sometimes reminded me of a little kid whose parent said no to buying a push pop when he did those pouts. 


"These boxes are heavy..., what's in them anyways?" I ask out loud to myself as Aiden just shrugs. He takes a peek inside and smiles even wider. "Cool! Some uniforms, boots, and other trinkets!" I looked over, seeing him peeking through. "Must be my parent's then. C'mon, let's go back, I want to try and get some sleep." No response... 


"Ah! sorry, can we keep looking through these old boxes? Please Ash!" 

"You really want to snoop?" 


I swear, he will be the death of me. 


"Ash... look at this polaroid..." I go over and notice his smile faded from his usually bright smile. It was a picture from when I was a kid, only problem was, I looked very similar to a picture we took more recently at the graveyard. We had learned that phantoms appear in photos as a black mass in shape of-- well, a phantom! That photo looked identical. Same uncomfortable expression, same stance, same background, same black mass.

I could tell that shook Aiden to his core, and I couldn't help but feel bad. I went to go comfort him as any good girlfriend would. I went and kissed his forehead after telling him that everything was okay, and that it was just a coincidence, that it means nothing. I noticed the stain of half a lip smudged onto his forehead, probably from the blood from my wound, since it did run down all along my sides. It made me smile. He gave me a small smile, reassuring me that it helped. When we both calmed down, we went back to the bus to discuss this with the others.


We figured that it was just lighting since it looked more different than a phantom mass and went back to sleep. 

Sometimes, things aren't what they seem. But hey, we got some sweet, not-so-sweet moments, and a bit of adrenaline during the process. 

Who knew that comfort could be so sweet, yet so bitter?



(have some food, my kids. Eat... EAAATTTTT)

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