Bittersweet tragedy

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'I'm done with your bittersweet, bittersweet tragedy.'

Ashlyn's pov

We got split up.

We were in the phantom dimension, all together as always, until we got separated. A hurd of phantoms attacked us, to the point where we had to split apart.

Ben was with Taylor, as she got injured

Tyler was with Logan, since they were closest to each other

And I was with Aiden.

Now, we were making it to the abandoned house next to mine. We were extremely tired and out of breath, but no matter what, we couldn't stop. We went into a room and put a dresser against the door to be sure no phantoms get in. As we sat to rest, I feel myself get pushed onto something. That's when I look up and see.. Aiden? He has a hand on my head, the other on my back and I got pushed onto his chest. When I got up, I noticed the trail of blood trickling down his back. "Are you okay Ash!?" He asks, checking to see if I'm hurt. "Wha-.. am I okay..? are you okay!?"
"I'm fine."

"You're bleeding out of your neck! You could've died, Aiden!" I scolded as I pressed started curing his wound with the little bandages we had.

"Well that means you wouldn't have been injured!" He smiled, his eyes droopy from how tired he was.

"So what!? You can't die on me just so I won't get hurt!"

"It's my life over yours, Ash. Don't you get that?" He said gently, a caring smile on his face. A genuine one.

"What..." That statement made me freeze. "You'd.. die... For me..?"

"Exactly, Ash. I love you too much and it hurts seeing you injured."

I was stunned. I felt the heat rise up on my cheek as I replied, "I love you too.. but please don't get hurt all because I will.."

"I can't guarantee, but I'll try" he gave me that signature smirk of his and dozed off. I kept watch until the time ran out.


Aiden's pov

I woke up and felt something on my face, so when I opened my eyes, I was slightly surprised to see Ashlyn. I remembered that we fell asleep while having a movie night, which is why we were on the bed. "How's your neck?" She mumbled. She was tired, very, but she still wanted to care for me.

God, how I love her.

"It's okay, Ash. Now go to sleep, your tired."

"But what about your neck.." she mumbled, this time her words slurred as she nuzzled into my neck.

"I told you, I'm fine.."

"Promise...?" She replied, I was barely able to make out her words at this point.


And with that she was knocked out.

She's so beautiful.




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