Training wheels

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'I love everything you do;
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do.
Wanna ride my bike with you.
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you.
And I'll pull them off for you'
(Idea by: Lovel3yxSt4rs)

I looked around the cafeteria, bored and tired out of my mind. Ashlyn called in sick and Aiden being a worried lover boy he skipped to help out Ashlyn. Tyler and Logan were talking but I was too tired to spark up a conversation and join in. Tyler and Logan were sat on the other side, while me and Ben were on the opposite of theirs. I rested my head on my arms, slowly falling asleep. The darkness in my face and the low noise made me want to pass out right then and there. I almost did, but before I did, someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Ben.

Ben's pov

I looked over at Taylor and saw she was.. asleep? I tapped her shoulder gently as to not scare her and she lifted her head, looking over at me.

She was tired, her droopy eyes and her way-too-calm expression told me everything. She then gave a small smile, trying her best to stay awake. I pull her close to me,wrapping my jacket around her since she tends to get cold at times, and take out to phone to write something.

3rd person pov

Ben writes something on his phone, showing it to Taylor. 'You look cute when you're sleepy' it read, Taylor felt her face heat out and she slightly hid it so he won't see. He didn't notice and thought he did something wrong, so he wrote "sorry" on the phone. "Oh! No no no, it's fine..!, I-.. I.. I've just never been called cute before and it makes me feel... Uhm... Blushy..?" She explains tiredly, trying her best to keep her eyes open.  She said as she yawned. I nodded and we went back to what we were doing, Taylor falling asleep while Ben couldn't stop thinking and smiling about earlier.


(In gonna sleep now I swear 🤞)

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