Reasons why the snow isn't our best friend

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Reasons why the snow
isn't our best friend


Aiden's pov:

As I was talking with the others, I felt a tap on my shoulder; when I turned around, I saw Lily there. She seemed excited about something, "Oh, hey Lily, what's up?" I asked her and she immediately replied with "It's snowing!" She said as she pointed towards the window, bouncing excitedly. "Can we go play outside? Pleaseeee" she said "Yeah, sure. Did you ask your brother?" "He told me that you can take me since he has to finish homework" I nodded in response, "Alright then, go get ready" I told her with a smile as she excitedly ran upstairs to her room.

I looked back at the others and asked them if they wanted to accompany us and they all agreed except Ashlyn. It took a bit of convincing but reluctantly, she agreed.

Ashlyn's pov:

I went down the stairs and saw everyone getting ready, I sat down on the couch and started to part my hair to do my braids. "Woah, you look different with your hair down! It's really long too!" Spoke Lily very attentively, pointing to my hair. I look up at her and nod, giving her a small smile as always "oh yeah, it is pretty long," I say as she stared at my hair, occasionally looking back at me. "Oooouh, can I touch it??" She asked, I got a bit taken back by the question but just responded in a simple head shake. "Awh, why not?" She pouted, "Pleaseeee" "Lily, let Ashlyn live in peace" Aiden chuckled and Lily let out a little giggle before letting us finish getting ready. Once we're done, Lily rushed outside, dragging Ben in the process. Taylor and Tyler were talking, Logan was inside sleeping and Aiden and I were throwing snowballs at eachother the moment we stepped foot outside. I have to admit, it is fun. "Aiden! That's not fair!" I said as he climbed up the roof to get a 'better' angle to hit me with the snowballs.


Taylor's pov:

I woke up in the morning with a runny nose and my face all puffy and red, but I still had to go to school, so I got ready and headed to the bus. 'You okay Tay? Your cheeks and nose are all red and your sniffling a lot' read Ben's message as he looked at me worriedly, "oh, yeah I'm fine! I just have a runny nose" I smiled softly at him, trying to cover the fact that I was dying of exhaustion for no exact reason. When we got to class, I set my bookbag down and immediately flopped my head down and let out a sigh, *'just a few minutes before class starts..'* I told myself as I closed my eyes to sleep...


I woke up to the sound of the bell piercing my ears, I looked around and noticed class had ended, which means.. "I slept through class!?" I spoke to myself as I looked around frantically. This time around, I had an even worse runny nose and I was sneezing a lot. Was I getting sick?? Was it because the snow was just absolutely destroying me??? Or is it because I stayed out longer than the rest because I was cleaning up the mess we made? Probably. I guess that's my first reasoning on why snow isn't our best friend.


(I'm so sorry for not posting! Also this one was a bit rushed since I lost motivation to finish it, but I finished it either way :) hope you enjoyed 🫶)

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