Chapter 16

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Y/n glanced to D/n. He had sat on a ledge in the cove, mindful of his injuries. Y/n smiled lightly at her dragon before gazing at the walls. Walking along them, Y/n found her and Hiccup old drawing on the wall. Her heart felt heavy, but her smile never left. She traced over one in particular. One Hiccup had done when he was small. An image of her and him holding hands.

"We'll always be best friends, right?" Hiccup asked.

"Til the end."

Y/n's hand withdrew as the memory weighted heavily.

"It feels like a lifetime ago."

Y/n turned to find Hiccup approaching her as Toothless bounded over to check on D/n. Y/n shifted her gaze back to Hiccup to find he came to stare at the image.

"We are still friends right?" Hiccup asked quietly.

"Of course," Y/n's eyes were wide. "I mean, I'd hope so.."

Hiccup looked over to her. He wasn't sure what to say. He hoped so too. He really did, but when she walked away when he came back, it hurt, but he probably deserved it for not saying anything to her when they dropped off the gold.

"What about Daymos?" Hiccup asked slowly. "Is he your friend, or something else."

Y/n flinched and turned away. Hiccup regretted asking, but apart of his felt bitter knowing what Liu said about Daymos. It was a unnatural to Hiccup that Y/n cared for Daymos after everything that happened.

"I don't know. I just, I'm trying to figure everything out," Y/n looked back to Hiccup. "I'm sorry."

Hiccup blinked and slowly took her hand. Y/n felt her chest ease. Looking back to the imagery, Y/n took the small window to enjoy this moment, but Hiccup's head was rushing with words he wanted to speak. Questions he wanted to ask.

"Hey! Guess who can see again!" Tuffnut started, grinning widely.

Hiccup turned and Y/n had released his hand as she turned to find Astrid and Liu with the other riders. Hiccup felt his heart drop a bit when Y/n had her gaze elsewhere, and his hand empty.

"It's Astrid," Ruffnut finished.

Y/n blinked as Astrid ran over to embrace Hiccup. Liu had glanced over to Y/n to find her quiet and not meeting anyone's gaze. His chest ached when he slowly walked forward. He had felt guilty for what he had said, but especially on how he acted.

"Y/n?" Liu's voice was quiet.

Y/n didn't lift her gaze. Everyone noticed and D/n rumbled warningly as he moved next to her.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did," Liu had moved, just an arm lengths away. "Daymos said something about him returning a favor by saving D/n."

Y/n blinked as her heart thudded heavily. That wasn't the case at all, but it seemed Daymos gave Liu some kind of reason to ease off on the whole, 'I care about him' statement. Knowing Daymos, he probably made it seem like her care stemmed from his aid to help D/n.

"Don't worry about it, clearly you haven't let it go," Y/n's tone had slipped before she had gazed up finding Liu's face twisted with confusion. "The more we hold on to that anger and hate, the less better we'll be, and I'm not saying you have to forgive him Liu. Just except that is happened because we can't changed it."

Liu looked away. It was a bit to ask for. Everyone looked between them, not sure why Y/n was seemingly sticking her neck out for Daymos. Before anyone could speak, Y/n spoke up again.

"Liu, he's the best thing, besides Ares, to help us fight Lillian," Y/n voice was quieter now. "Let us not mention that you torn out his throat. I'd say you got your vengeance."

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