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The clock hit the weekend jackpot, and I practically skipped my way back home, thinking about the three glorious days of freedom ahead. In my mind, I was already packing my bags to ditch this job, move back in with my parents, and reunite with my brother. Living solo in this big city had its perks, but loneliness wasn't one of them.

As the sun dipped low, casting a warm glow over the city, I couldn't help but daydream about the future. Switching jobs, more time with the fam, maybe even adopting a pet – life was looking up. I had even saved up enough to go on a family trip to Japan and buy tons of anime merch. Just few more months. My job as a Computer Engineer in such a large company was definitely tiring, but I really did need the money. Even though I video called may fam daily, I missed them. Being pampered, hugging my mom, acting like a kid around them, I miss those days. I fell asleep with these rosy visions, ready to embrace the weekend vibe.

But then, boom! I woke up in a totally different scene – no cozy apartment, just trees and rustling leaves. My feet, used to the comfort of plush carpet, felt the forest floor beneath. Pajamas and a loose t-shirt were my only armor against the unknown, my hair in a messy bun. Yeah, and no specs.

I did a mental double-take. Kidnapping? Nah, that didn't fit. Then it hit me – transmigration. Scientists talking about portals and otherworldly stuff on the news. The experiments got shut down, but the warning lingered: some unlucky souls might still get pulled into another dimension. And here I was, smack in the middle of it.

Tears welled up as I faced the possibility that this might be my last day. Thoughts of my family hit me hard – they were miles away, and I was stuck in some crazy forest. I stumbled forward, drawn to distant sounds that could either be my salvation or, you know, the opposite.

The forest wasn't playing around. It was thick, with trees that seemed to gossip with the wind. Shadows danced between the branches, making me wish I had a flashlight or, better yet, a GPS. Bugs hummed their own little tunes, and I could swear I heard a critter scurrying in the underbrush. The air, heavy with the scent of earth, was both comforting and eerie.

After what felt like a trek to Middle Earth, I stumbled upon a clearing. And there it was – a giant scorpion, the size of a monster truck, doing a weird standoff with three women in swimsuit getups. I kid you not, it was like a cosmic mix-up of 'Animal Planet' and 'Baywatch.'

Realization smacked me – I'd transmigrated into a world where people turned into beasts. Forget fairies and goblins; we're talking colossal creatures triple the size of anything you'd find on Earth. My jaw dropped and I started to turn around to flee. And then, bam! The scorpion noticed me and decided to make its move.

I was frozen – part terror, part fascination. The drumbeat of my heart matched the creature's approaching footsteps. Tears kept rolling down my face as I faced the reality of being stuck in a realm that defied everything I thought I knew. What the heck was waiting for me in this beastly world?

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