Foot fetish

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I dashed out of the stone house, my thoughts in disarray after the revelation of my period's impact on the beastmen. Ace's puzzled expression as I fled only fueled my urgency. "What's the big deal?" he shouted after me, but I couldn't afford to slow down.

Before I could take more than a few steps, Ace caught up to me. "I'm pretty sure Allmer warned you not to come outside, didn't he?" he growled as he picked me up, the strength in his grip sending a shiver down my spine.

"Yeah, but I need to visit the healer," I urgently replied, feeling his powerful muscles beneath my weight. He couldn't refuse after sensing my urgency.

Ace carried me swiftly, his growls echoing in the morning air. His proximity was overwhelming, and the realization that he was struggling to control himself intensified the tension. As we moved, I could sense his internal battle – the struggle between his instincts and his conscious restraint.

"You smell lovely," he mumbled, his voice a low growl. "I swear, there are twinkles around you" he looked at me with narrow eyes. I stayed silent, as still as I can, not wanting to trigger him to do something we both will regret later.

The healer's dwelling wasn't far, and Ace took me there with determined speed. The air shifted around us as we approached the building, and I sensed the presence of other beastmen. The single males in the vicinity picked up on my scent and began converging toward us.

Ace's growl turned ferocious, echoing through the surroundings. His teeth bared, a primal intensity in his eyes. Few beastmen backed off.

I clung to Ace, feeling a mix of fear and gratitude. The healer emerged from the dwelling, a beastman with wise eyes. "What's going on?" he asked, eyeing the tense situation.

"She needed to see you," Ace declared, still maintaining a defensive stance.

The healer looked at me. "Come inside," he motioned, leading us into his dwelling.

As I entered the healer's abode, I glanced back at Ace, who remained vigilant outside. The growls continued, forming a barrier that kept the other beastmen at bay. The healer gestured for me to sit.

I started. "My estrus cycle is very painful, and I need strong painkillers for it," I explained, hoping for some understanding.

The healer's eyes widened a little in surprise. "Painful estrus cycles are generally unheard of unless there's some internal injury. Let me see what I can do," he said, reaching for various herbs and flowers. Yeah, and it's too common from where I'm from.

He prepared sone dried flowers that resembled chamomile and added some ginger pieces for good measure. Handing me the items, he explained, "This should help, but if you need more relief, let me know."

"I appreciate it, but I think I might need something more," I admitted hesitantly.

The healer nodded knowingly and handed me a small vial filled with a yellow liquid. "Massage your stomach with this. It should alleviate the pain." Maybe this will help more

"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude. As I stepped outside, I was greeted by a sight that made my heart sink.

Allmer returned, and it seemed my decision to come here had left him quite displeased. He effortlessly swept away the other beastmen who lingered outside the healer's dwelling with his tail, knocking them out cold. Maybe Ferals are stronger than 1-2 striped beastmen.

"Allmer," I called out, my voice laced with both guilt and concern.

He turned toward me. The scent of my presence on Ace likely added fuel to his already turbulent mood. He knew that Ace had carried me here, and the situation was undoubtedly complicated by the lingering scent.I approached cautiously.

"I needed painkillers very urgently" I explained, hoping he'll understand.

Allmer sighed, and despite his displeasure, he didn't lecture me.  Instead, he carried me back to our house, but it seemed like he had no intention of putting me down anytime soon. Once inside, he gently set me down on a large stone stool in the corner.

Not wasting a moment, Allmer fetched furs and a bucket of water, presumably to clean the dirt off my feet. I knew he was still a bit angry, and as he began washing my feet, I tried my best to stifle the giggles that threatened to escape. My feet were notoriously ticklish, and I couldn't help but make a playful comment.

"Do you have a foot fetish, Allmer?" I teased, hoping to lighten the mood.

He deadpanned, "That's a bad joke, little one" Oops.

The furs he brought were stained with blood, and I realized I must have cut myself when I ran outside. It wasn't a significant injury, but Allmer seemed genuinely concerned. When the bleeding didn't stop, in an unexpected move, he extended his red, forked tongue and licked the blood off my feet.

I burst into laughter, unable to control the ticklish sensation. It was so ticklish that I ended up falling from the stone stool. Allmer looked at me with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

The blood still hadn't stopped, and Allmer seemed ready to fetch an emerald for healing. Trying to ease his concern, I pulled his arm, insisting it was fine and that I'd heal in a few hours. I knew if an emerald can heal deeper cuts, there is no way there are cheap. After all, minor cuts were a common occurrence, and I barely felt the pain.

He remained dissatisfied, and I was about to reassure him further when a sudden pain gripped my stomach. I winced and clutched my abdomen, the laughter from moments ago replaced by discomfort. The pain was unexpected and intense, catching me off guard.

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