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The grand spectacle of beastly WWE had come to an end, leaving the City of Beasts bathed in the warm hues of twilight. Despite the festivities, I remained resolute in my decision not to choose a mate. The Bear King, curious and a tad concerned, approached me.

"So, Shira, whom did you choose?" he inquired, a hint of apprehension in his tone.

"I didn't choose anyone," I replied, bracing myself for the inevitable concern that seemed to accompany my solitary stance.

"Well, I hope you know it'll be tough for you without a mate," the Bear King warned, a furrow forming on his brow.

I nodded, my determination unwavering. The evening unfolded with everyone gathering around small fires, sharing stories and laughter. Nea, the amber-haired woman, invited me to join her group.

"Come over here, Shira! We've got some space by the fire. You really should think about choosing a mate soon, though. It makes life a whole lot easier," she advised, patting the spot next to her.

As conversation flowed, she continued, "This is Tony, by the way. He's a bear beast. A sweetheart, really."

Tony greeted me with a warm smile. "Hey there. Nice to meet you."

We engaged in casual conversation before Tony's concern for my safety surfaced.

"You know, even if you don't want a mate, having a guardian might be a good idea. I'd be happy to look out for you, Shira," Tony offered, his eyes reflecting genuine kindness.

I politely refused, "Thanks, Tony. I appreciate it, but I want to choose a mate after regaining some of my lost memories."

The night progressed with laughter, shared stories, and a sense of camaraderie. However, as the night wore on, I felt someone's gaze on me from a distance. Without my glasses, I dismissed it without a second thought.

I was allocated a small room in the wolf palace, a massive stone castle adorned with animal furs for sleeping.

The furs were luxuriously soft on one side, but the other... well, let's just say it made my stomach churn. Opting for the cold floor that night, nerves prevented me from sleeping initially.

The next morning, as the sun painted the sky with hues of dawn, Ace appeared at my door.

Waking up was a Herculean task, but realizing that Ace was literally standing in front of my room, with no door, kicked me into gear.

"There, there, calm down," Ace chuckled. Apparently, the wolf leader had assigned him to guide me for the initial few days, deeming me "stupid" for not choosing a mate. Well, let the leader think what he wants.

Ace showed me a few trees inside the city bearing fruits that were safe to eat, the river for washing up, and a designated sandpit for a washroom. Our conversation throughout was light, a breath of fresh air in this strange world. If there was one positive thing, it was that the men treated women as equals and even higher.

During our walk, Ace extended an offer, "Feel free to ask me anything. You've mostly forgotten everything, right?"

Taking him up on the offer, I dove into my inquiries. "The women have many animal tattoos on their skin, are they born with it or drawn?"

Ace seemed a bit taken aback. With a slight blush, he explained, "It's the mate marks, which the females get after... mating."

Awkward. But I pressed on, "And the males, do they get their tattoos the same way?"

"No, these," he pointed at his cheeks, "are the marks of strength. No marks mean the male is weak, and similarly, four marks mean he is considered king among his tribe for his strength."

"You are a KING!?" I couldn't help but exclaim, noticing the four marks on his cheeks.

"I can be if I challenge the current wolf king, but I have no interest," Ace replied casually.

My barrage of questions continued, ranging from the material of their clothes to the rules of the city. When I inquired about going out, Ace advised against it but assured me to call him if the need arose.

Finally, I asked the question that had been bothering me. "Why didn't you pursue any of the three women?"

Ace looked taken aback by another direct question. "Well, to be honest, I'm still young, so I'm hoping to find someone I really like. If not, in a few years, I'll just have to court someone random."

His nonchalant response intrigued me. The wolf leader's claim about doing everything myself wasn't a joke. Ace's mischievous conversations and playful teasing were a welcome distraction, and he seemed genuinely concerned for my well-being.

As our day together unfolded, Ace surprised me by handing over a bone knife. "Consider it a gesture of goodwill. It might come in handy, especially when you're out there on your own."

I was touched by the unexpected gift, appreciating Ace's acknowledgment of the challenging decision I had made to remain mateless in this peculiar world.

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