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"Shira! You there?", as the echo of Ace's call penetrated the walls of our abode, my heart skipped a beat. Great timing. I don't want to linger on the topic of the cut on my hand, knowing Allmer and his overprotective nature, he'll surely confront Felix.

But Allmer's sudden departure outside, coupled with the ferociousness of his attack, left me frozen in disbelief. With the agility of a seasoned predator, Allmer unleashed his wrath upon Ace, utilizing his tail as a weapon, propelling him with such force that he collided mercilessly with a nearby tree. I'm pretty sure I even saw Ace cough some blood. I stood dazed at the door for a second, doubting if what I saw actually happened.

"Allmer! What in the world are you doing!?" I cried out, my voice trembling with a mixture of shock and horror, as I shook myself out of the trance. The violence of Allmer's assault sent shivers down my spine, igniting a primal fear within me. I knew Allmer was capable of great strength, but witnessing it unleashed with such ferocity left me reeling.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, I rushed to Ace's side, my heart pounding in my chest. Despite the urgency of the situation, I couldn't shake the sense of dread that gripped me. Allmer's actions seemed unfathomable. If it was me instead of Ace, I'm pretty sure I would have.... Let's not think in that direction.

As I knelt beside Ace, his slightly labored breaths punctuated the tense silence that hung in the air. His eyes bore into mine with a fierce intensity and then roamed over me, maybe making sure if I'm alright. But before I could utter a word, Allmer's presence loomed over us, his gaze cold and unwavering.

"Step away, little one," Allmer's voice resonated with an ominous authority, his words laced with a grim determination. "He certainly deserved a little shove"

"LITTLE SHOVE ALLMER!? You literally threw him into this tree, making him cough blood" I stood up to face Allmer, anger evident in my voice. Allmer's scary when he's like this, but I know in my gut he won't hurt me, not after all the sweet promises he just whispered in my ears.

"Explain Allmer. Why the sudden violence?" I asked dead serious.

"Calm down Shira. I do love you getting worried about me, but you're overreacting." Ace remarked from behind me, wiping the blood with the back of his hand and frowning. "I'm not hurt, just winded. Did you forget I'm a 4 striped?" He continued cockily and got up, as if he didn't just get his teeth bloody. "Very powerful for a no stripe, now are we?" Ace directed his words to Allmer, his face irritated.

Allmer just smirked at him. No stripe huh. As if. If Ace's hunch is correct, Allmer is most definitely at a level beyond 4 stripes, given how he easily overpowered all those wild beastmen, when I had run out during my periods. He's such a mystery, to which I'll have to sit and get truths from.

"Your injury?" Ace asked me.

"I'm alright," I assured him. "Felix fed me those healing emeralds and even gave some extra, so it's fine."

"Felix, huh? That tiger cub," Allmer remarked darkly. Ohh, I just had to mention his name. I braced myself for his scrutiny, hoping to defuse the tension before it escalated any further.

"It's fine, Al, trust me, and I was partly at fault too" I interjected, my voice tinged with urgency as I attempted to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory. I didn't want to reopen the incident, especially when everyone is pretty wary of Allmer.

"If you say so," Allmer conceded, albeit reluctantly, his gaze lingering for a moment longer before shifting away.

**Thank you for reading! My college has been so hectic, I'm having continuous exams from 2nd April and they'll continue till mid May, so updates will be a bit slow ><

Also, I recently got a message regarding Patreon for this series.

( I'm grateful that you liked the story so much that you were willing to join Patreon. )

So just want to clarify, I don't have any Patreon and nor do I plan to start one since I hardly get time to complete writing the chapters for Wattpad and I haven't read too many fanfics on Wattpad so I may be wrong but I haven't seen any fanfic series having Patreon.

Most of them have a "buymeacoffee", but I'm not sure if I'll start that too cause from what I've seen, most Wattpad readers are students too so I know it'll be difficult to support author on student budget.

PS: since this update was so late, I'll drop a future chapter hint. Shira will be getting a 2nd mate soon. Any guesses who that'll be??

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