Snake mate

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After a few minutes, Allmer and I got up from the cave floor, but as I stretched, he suddenly touched my neck and gently caressed a spot. I couldn't help but react with a surprised, "Dude, why the sudden neck inspection?"

Ace, who had been observing silently, finally spoke up, "How? How did this happen?" Confused, I followed their gaze to my neck. There it was – a thin white line, that was all I could see, like a tip of a snake tail, a mark that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Allmer," I turned to him with confused eyes, "Uh what's this?."

Deadpan, he responded, "Well, you've got my mark."

Only then did it strike me – the mark, something females got after mating. My head flipped to Ace for answers. "I'm as confused as you are," he admitted.

Allmer took the initiative to clarify, "Females can also be marked if blood is exchanged."

I felt a twinge of guilt. "I'm stuck with you now, I guess," Allmer deadpanned, tired.

Ace's expression darkened, and he suggested, "You can always cut the mark and make him rootless."

Rootless. Nea had explained to me that if a female cuts her mark, it disappears, rendering the male unable to find a mate again – essentially a harsh punishment. "How could you even say that?" I shouted at Ace. I'd never wish something so horrible for Allmer, especially since even though I had spent only a day with him, I already considered him my savior.

"Allmer, I'm sorry. I didn't know," I apologized, my voice choked with emotion. All this just after how he had expressed he had no interest in finding a mate. "Damn, why do I keep causing trouble?" Tears threatened to pour out of my eyes. "You don't need to stay with me. I'll not bother you, don't worry. You can continue doing as you please," I told Allmer, feeling overwhelmed and hoping he won't hate me for this mess.

Allmer stayed quiet, patiently waiting for these cubs, as he called us, to stop yapping. Finally, he spoke, "Firstly, little one, I'm moved that you don't want me to be rootless. But this mark, made from blood, cannot be cut. It's a technique only Ferals know, hence that wolf cub here doesn't know a thing." Ace looked offended at being called a cub, but he didn't argue, recognizing Allmer's greater power, even if he was matkless. He just hoped his suspicion won't come true. "Secondly," Allmer continued, "I'll consider this as my fate set by the beast god. Maybe he pitied your situation and wanted me to be your knight in shining armour kinda thing. So, anyway, I have no intention of leaving you alone. Just think of me as a guardian or a friend living with you. I'll be entertained, and in return, you'll get protection as well as my help in trying to return to your home."

I remained quiet for a minute, absorbing the strange turn of events. Fate, I thought. But I still had one hesitation, "You'll not ask me to fulfill any mate duties?" I tentatively asked, not ready for a commitment, especially when there's a possibility that I can return to my world. There's no use in caring or having a deep relationship with anyone if I'll have to leave them behind.

"Of course not my dear," Allmer replied with a smirk, "Aside from occasional cuddles that is." My face flushed a bit, and Ace growled, "Stop joking. Don't get so ahead of yourself that you think you'll be allowed in the city. A feral."

Allmer shook his head, "There's no rule against it, is there?" Ace knew that he was right, and there wasn't a rule against it.

**I'm exhausted guys. I'll take few hours break before writing the next chapter. Hopefully you all are liking it!

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