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The gentle rustle of leaves overhead signaled Iker's movements before his voice reached me. "Here," he called out, his tone casual, as he tossed something down from the branches above. Reacting instinctively, I reached out and caught it just in time, my fingers curling around the object with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Feathers...?" I murmured, turning the object over in my hand, marveling at its delicate craftsmanship and ethereal beauty. The feathers shimmered in the dappled sunlight, casting a spellbinding kaleidoscope of colors upon my palm.

"Yeah, you kept staring at my earrings for a while back there, so I figured I'd just get you one," Iker explained, his voice carrying a hint of amusement as he watched my reaction. His eyes sparkled with mischief, yet there was a warmth in his gaze with a calculating glint.

A soft gasp escaped me as I realized what he meant. These were earrings, akin to the raven black ones adorning Iker's ears, though mine bore a distinct hue, reminiscent of the tranquil depths of the ocean. Despite my reservations, I couldn't deny their allure, I'd always loved accessorizing.

"I'm grateful, but I can't accept it," I replied firmly, my voice tinged with regret as I wrestled with the conflicting emotions swirling within me. Accepting gifts from males in this world carried a weighty significance, one I was not yet prepared to bear.

Peering down at me from his lofty perch, Iker chuckled softly, his laughter carrying on the gentle breeze. "Don't worry, it's not a gift. Think of it as a way of apologizing for my little brother's immature attitude," he reassured me.

Relief flooded through me at his explanation, mingled with a sense of gratitude for his understanding. "I guess that'll do," I conceded, offering him a small yet genuine smile, my heart lighter for his reassurance and happy to have earrings to wear.

"Great. Now, catch this too," Iker said, his tone playful yet sincere, as he tossed another object down to me with practiced ease.

This time, it was a beautifully carved wooden comb, its intricate design a testament to skill and craftsmanship. I marveled at the delicate flower pattern etched into the wood, each petal sculpted with painstaking detail.

"You dropped it earlier. I figured I'd complete it before returning it," he explained with a shrug, his expression modest yet proud of his handiwork.

Gratitude welled up within me as I admired the exquisite comb, its beauty a testament to his skills. "Thank you," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, still not believing he took efforts to complete it.

"I'll head back now," I announced, already anticipating his inevitable offer to escort me.

"Want me to drop you there?" he inquired, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. Drop? Did he mean he'll fly me till there? Now that'll be fun and I do want to try riding a flying beastmen but that's a offer I know I can't take up.

"I'm fine," I replied with a small yet grateful smile, declining his offer. With that, I turned and made my way back towards my house, the weight of the day's events still heavy on my mind.

As I entered the familiar confines, a sense of relief washed over me, like a gentle tide embracing the weary traveler. The day was so chaotic but it's almost over. But before I could even set the comb aside, a voice from behind interrupted my thoughts, its tone low and grave, sending a shiver down my spine.

**Hey guys! I had a free day today so I was able to put extra efforts into this chapter ><

In the earlier chapters, I had received few requests to use simpler English so I had changed my writing style a bit (you'll notice it it you reread the starting 8-9 chapters and then the later chapters).

But I realised by changing my writing style, firstly Shira seems a bit too ungrateful (I'm not able to portray her emotions correctly  °×°)
And after rereading the chapters where Iker was introduced, he seemed a bit serious and straightforward though I wanted to portray him as carefree but observant (hope that makes sense)

So I'm reverting back to my original writing style ><

I'll be grateful if you all can comment about your preference. If understanding this chapter was a bit difficult, lemme know. I'll try sticking to my original style all the while using simple words.

Thats it. Thank you for reading!!!

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