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**Here's some Allmer treat for you all. This was generated using pixai and I have no rights over it. All rights to the original owner.

My sudden pain triggered Allmer into action. He shot up, ready to take me to the healer, but I reassured him, "It's fine, Allmer. I've taken pain relievers for this; it's a common occurrence for me. You can rest; it'll subside." I know I say this but the pain was unbearable. There were instances when I had fell unconscious in college or in my apartment because I didn't take my medicine on time. Tears streamed down my cheeks, the pain was too much to bear. I couldn't help but scream in pain few times. My periods always were painful and the painkillers were my only relief when k couldn't bear it any longer.

Allmer grabbed a vial containing the yellow liquid I got from healer and sniffed it. It was a secretion from a common plant known for numbing and relaxing muscles. Relief washed over him. Allmer walked over to where I lay on the ground, clutching my stomach, trying not to scream. Allmer flipped me fully onto my back and, with gentle precision, pulled up my top and exposed only my stomach.

"Hey, Allmer!" I protested, but my words were swallowed by another wave of pain. He delicately placed the liquid near my navel and began rubbing it in with his hand, using his thumb. I felt a twinge of embarrassment, conscious of my not-so-slim figure, but the discomfort swiftly vanished. Allmer's fingers worked magic, moving slow and steady, massaging.

As his fingers traveled from below my navel to just below my chest, the air became charged with an undeniable tension. His gaze locked onto mine, intense and unwavering. Intent red eyes. Emotion flickered in them, and in that moment, the line between comfort and something more blurred. Allmer's fingers continued their slow maneuver, seemingly aware of the effect they were having. The intimacy of the situation hung thick in the air. The sensations were so comforting, I soon fell asleep from exhaustion, inspite of the tense air.

I stirred from my sleep, feeling a hardness beneath my head. As I opened my eyes, Allmer's face came into view. I was lying on his lap. Ace was seated near the door, his attention fixated on something else, the food ingredients forgotten for the moment. He didn't enter inside though, only mates were allowed to.

Feeling a bit disoriented, I asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

Allmer glanced down at me, his expression softened. "Not too long. The pain must have exhausted you."

"Thank you" I sincerely thanked Allmer. If not for his help, I'd probably be still in pain. He smiled a bit, looking down.

I continued laying there. It felt comfortable. Allmer's straight white hair were just above my head. He hald a natural side flicks. I put up my hand to touch them. They were soft. So silky. "I had intended to visit that one ape in the city today to get some clues, but I suppose that will have to wait a few more days now." I told absent mindedly.

Allmer's eyes bore into mine. Ace glanced towards us but said nothing. The air in the room carried a weight of seriousness.

"Why do you insist on returning to your world, Shira? You can just stay here, choose your mates, and live a long happ life. It's an almost impossible journey back."

I hand halted. I put it down and mustered a sad smile, my gaze reflecting a deep longing. "Would you throw away precious diamonds just because you've found new ones?" I responded, my voice carrying the weight of cherished memories.

"My life there was filled with blessings." I smiled, remembering.

"From my childhood, my family had faced financial struggles, but my father's determination ensured there was always good on the table, even without his job. There came a time when my mother was too sick but she held on and still says that she came back for me"

A tear rolled down my cheek. "She still says that she wasn't worried for my dad or brother. She knew they can live their live but she didn't want to leave her 14 year daughter alone in that world".

I continued, "And my brother, even though I'm now an adult, he never refuses me the things I missed in my childhood. Always doting on me".

My tears were free flowing now. "How can I just forget them Allmer? I lived away from home to earn lots so I can give my parents the life they deserve. They did everything for me. They are my everything."

I met Allmer's gaze, my eyes shimmering with tears. "If the gods of my world have blessed me with such precious gifts, why would I not fight to get them back? Having a mate doesn't mean replacing your old family; it means including them in yours," I told, my emotions laid bare in every word.

I hesitated for a moment before voicing the thoughts that had been gnawing at me. "Allmer, you must hate me," I began, my voice now carrying a sense of guilt. "I became your mate due to my fault, and I can't even act or love you like you deserve. If you had become someone else's mate, I'm sure you would have been their favorite."

Allmer's eyes were intent, distant, and he gently cupped my face in his hands, wiping away my tears. "Never Shira. I am here willingly, not forced."

His words though were reassuring, still I felt guilt. In just two days together, I was already starting to fall for him. I couldn't help but think how wonderful it would have been to meet Allmer in my world.

He leaned down, placing a tender kiss on my forehead. "I'll help you return to your world, Shira. And maybe, just maybe, you'll give me a chance to be included in your family."

His promise echoed in my mind as I slowly succumbed to sleep once more, feeling a mix of gratitude and hope for the uncertain future.

**Well guys, I'm pretty sure no one like Shira lol. So who's your favourite character other than her?? Allmer or Ace? Though I guess I know the answer 👀👀

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