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I groggily opened my eyes, every inch of my body throbbing in pain. The dull ache in my head weighed heavily on me. As I slowly regained my senses, the warmth on my left side hinted at the presence of a fire. Did some beastmen rescue me? Gratitude flooded me; surviving such a fall seemed like a divine intervention. I mentally thanked the gods of my world, despite my current predicament. If only they'd intervene in this whole transmigration mess.

My body felt like it was made of lead, each movement sending tremors of pain through me. With shaky hands, I attempted to sit up, my wounds protesting the effort. Thin lines of blood traced my injuries, a grim reminder of the ordeal I had faced. Just as I started to gather my strength, a sound reached my ears—hiss. My eyes darted to the source, and there it was, slithering towards me.

A snake.

Red eyes gleamed in the darkened cave, its white body sinuously approaching. Its size was daunting, the length of its tongue alone matching the size of my arm. The sight sent shivers down my spine, my heart pounding in my chest. Overwhelmed by fear, I succumbed to the darkness, fainting in the face of the serpent's approach.

I awoke to the scent of burning, realizing that some hours had passed. Keeping my eyes shut, I sensed a presence nearby. "I know you're awake, so you better get up," a smooth, sultry voice echoed through the cavern. My eyes snapped open, and cautiously, I looked to the side. There, sitting opposite me, was a pale male, the flickering fire illuminating a dead animal's leg roasting over the flames. Slowly, I pushed myself into a sitting position, taking in the torn, bloodied state of my clothes. My hands and arm still oozed a little blood, and the pain brought tears to my eyes. In that moment, the overwhelming feeling of despair made me wish for an end.

"I knew humans were a rash, but I never thought you'd be so stupid," the man spoke quietly, matter-of-factly, his words cutting through the air.

"Bold of you to assume I didn't already know," I retorted with a bitterness born out of my own self-awareness. Yes, perhaps I had been stupid, too full of myself to believe I could survive alone in this strange world. But that choice was the best I could think of. I didn't want to be tethered to some random beast, forced into intimate relations and bearing offspring. In my world, I hadn't even entertained the thought of marriage or children until I found someone who matched my seemingly high standards from my fictional men. My dependency on my family and the strong attachment I felt towards them spoke to my lack of dating experience or having a boyfriend. My mom and best friends were my only confidantes, my only people with whom I could gossip and share my thoughts.

Wait, something caught my attention. "Did you say human...?" I asked slowly, a spark of curiosity breaking through.

"That's what you are, or am I wrong?" The man responded. Could he be the help I desperately needed? Squinting in the dimly lit cave, I tried to get a clearer view of him. The man was undoubtedly a beastman, yet his surreal beauty was captivating. Red eyes, white hair, pale skin—his appearance was breathtaking. He resembled someone cosplaying a hot anime character, a perfect blend of ethereal and earthly features.

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