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**So this is how I imagined Felix. I made this using pixai. I do not own this art and all the copyright to the original artists.

After swiftly taking care of my business in the sandpit, I found solace in its emptiness. As I contemplated my next move, the idea of asking Allmer for more of his snakeskin crossed my mind. Crafting myself some underwear and possibly a bra seemed like a practical and comfortable solution.

The recollection of riding on Ace while returning to the village after being saved from those scorpions lingered, evoking a sense of discomfort. The experience had been painful for my chest, especially with my good-sized breasts in need of support. Allmer's snakeskin, had proven to be remarkably comfortable compared to the beast fur so I'm sure I'll be able to make something similar from it.

Lost in thought about the prospect of fashioning my undergarments, I pondered the intricacies of the process. When suddenly in the shrouded darkness, a sudden collision jolted me. The other beastman, clearly displeased, lashed out with rudeness.

"What's your problem, clumsy?" he sneered, treating me like an inconvenience he couldn't wait to dismiss.

I stood my ground, unwilling to be belittled. "It was an accident, okay?" I retorted, initiating an unforeseen exchange of heated words.

"No need to be so rude about it," I retorted, my frustration seeping into my words.

He scoffed, dismissing my explanation. "Accident or not, just stay out of the way. We don't need nuisances around here."

That stoked the flames of my irritation. "Nuisance? I don't recall asking for your opinion. If you have a problem, deal with it like a grown-up"

His eyes narrowed, and he leaned in. "Grownups don't usually collide with others in the dark. Maybe you need some lessons in basic navigation."

The exchange continued, a clash of pride under the muted moonlight, echoing through the camp as we bickered.

Rolling my eyes, I retorted, "Well, maybe you need to understand that females don't come equipped with night vision, dummy. It's not like I planned to crash into you."

He scoffed dismissively. "Yeah sure."

I shot a exasperated look at the brown-haired beastman who seemed perpetually annoyed, before an unexpected interruption arrived. A breathtakingly beautiful male stepped forward, radiating a kind of charisma that reminded me of K-pop idols back in my world. In the dim light, I could somewhat discern his striking features-black hair, black eyes, and an expression of calm authority.

"Felix, picking up fights again?" the stunning newcomer signed, addressing the unruly beastman. So, Felix was his name.

"I'm sorry, female, on his behalf. He's kind of a entitled one, being the eldest son of the tiger king and all," the black haired beastman explained, his tone calm and composed. Ah, so his father was a tetra striped. Yeah must be a spoiled brat.

Felix, however, seemed uninterested in apologies. "Watch what you say, eagle," he retorted, sparking another bout of bickering with the regal eagle beastman.

The eagle beastman just ignored the tiger beastmen, brushing off Felix's comments with the air of an older sibling tired of their younger counterpart. "It's alright" I replied. "I just hope he learns some manners in the near future."

I gave the eagle beastman a small smile before walking away, deciding it was best to leave the ongoing drama behind. Allmer was probably waiting for me.

On my way back from the brief encounter with the rude beastmen, I stumbled upon Ace standing near a tree, watching the ongoing matches. The chilly evening air surrounded us, making me shiver.

"Ace, why are you standing here? It's cold. Come, let's sit by the fire. We've got a whole fire to ourselves this time, thanks to Allmer being a feral," I teased, trying to lighten the mood. Ace appeared a bit hesitant.

"Do you know what it means for an unmated male to sit at a female's fire?" Ace asked, unsure if I understood the implications. I pretended ignorance, even though I had a feeling where this was heading. I didn't want my friend to just spend the night in this chilly wind.

"Umm, nah. Is it not allowed?" I asked innocently, though I already suspected the tradition. I'd observed unmated males sitting with females around the campfire, only for them to become mates later.

"It's fine, let's go," Ace said, starting to walk towards our fire. Before I could reassure him that it didn't matter and he shouldn't feel obliged to become my mate this way, he continued on his way. I sighed, realizing that maybe Ace didn't want to discuss it, and decided to enjoy the cozy warmth of the fire.

As I settled near the fire, relishing the warmth after the chilly encounter with Felix, Allmer raised a brow at Ace, casting a knowing look. "Walking a fine line now, are we?" Allmer remarked, addressing Ace's actions. Ace, with his characteristic cocky demeanor, just dismissively waved it off.

Once again, I found a comfortable spot near the fire, trying to shake off the residual awkwardness from the encounter with Felix. However, my tranquility was short-lived as Allmer unexpectedly pulled me towards him, positioning me between his legs. A jolt of surprise and tension ran through me. I went rigid. I could feel the warmth of his bare chest against my back, and the proximity sent a shiver down my spine.

"Allmer...?" I questioned, my voice a quiet murmur, unsure of his intentions. Ace observed the unfolding scene with keen interest. Allmer, without saying a word, sniffed the air around my neck, his nose brushing against my nape. The atmosphere grew charged with an unspoken tension as he uttered, "You smell of another beastman," in a low growl.

**Hey guys. Sorry for the recently short chapters. It's winter where I live and the atmosphere is so cozy, half the time I just relax in my blanket (I should really start studying for my next exams ><)

Anyway, one question! Which all Ferals/cold blooded beasts are mentioned in the original Beauty and the Beasts manhua/novel??
I remember snake, scorpion and mermaids. I actually need few ideas for a feral ><

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